Extra: Truth time

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Flashback of when Eda did the test at her aunt's house

Eda was alone. She still felt the warm and comfortable embrace of her aunt around her body. She was scared. Her mind was on a rush, thinking of a thousand times at once and wondering what would happen next if those sticks turned positive. Was she ready to be a mother? Wasn't she too young? Was Serkan ready to be a father? Would he want to be a father? She and him had never really discussed children yet, in their one year of marriage. I guess they were too caught up in the moment, living it like there's no tomorrow. Of course it had gone through Eda's head the idea of children, but so far had been a distant thought, a dream for the future. She wondered how would she proceed with her life and career if she had a child at that moment. The more she thought, the more she felt her heart pounding on her chest. She was so scared, she felt like she could pass out of nervousness. She needed to sit for a moment to calm down. She took a deep breath, "you're being silly, Eda", she thought. It was all gonna be okay. She heard a knock on the door and blonde curls instantly appeared at the door. "Is it done?", Ceren asked with a smile. "Hayir, Cer." The blondie notices her friend sitting at the couch, with an apprehensive face and the tiny box on her hand still wrapped. She simply gave an encouraging look to her friend, and somehow Eda felt safe and courageous to do it. The two girls exchanged smiles and Ceren closed the door, leaving Eda alone again. The brunette gets up and makes her way to the bathroom.

She takes a deep breath as she steps out of the bathroom. All she had to do now is wait. She called her friends and aunt back in, and throws herself on the couch with a worried face. As Ayfer goes grab a glass of water, the girls gather around Eda. "Edacim? You okay?", Ceren asks, worried. "I'm so scared", she opens up. Ayfer arrives with the water glass and gives to Eda. "Here, aşkım, take this", she sits next to her niece as well. "Eda, don't worry", Fifi tries to calm her down. She abruptly turns to her hala, opening her mouth to say something, but closing before saying anything. She thought again and decided to ask. "How do you know you're ready to be a mom?", she honestly asks her aunt, in a tone that showed very well she was scared. Ayfer puts both hands on her niece's shoulder and looks her in the eyes. "Eda. Nobody is ever ready to be a parent. We all learn on the way. But you've always been so protective of your friends and family, so loving and caring, it is clear as water to me that you will be an amazing mother." Eda felt tears in her eyes, even though she was scared, she felt comfort in her aunt's words. They both hugged, and the other girls soon joined for a group hug. "I didn't tell Serkan anything yet. What if he doesn't want to have a child now?" she wipes shy tears off her face. She had to voice her biggest concern, she didn't know what would be her husband's reaction to this. She knew he loved her very much, but just as she said, they are in a moment of their lives where they don't know if starting a family fits on their schedule. "Edacim, bak. Serkan loves you more than anything in this world. How can you think he won't be happy with the news?", this time was Melo to say. "Ah I don't know...", she leans back on the couch. She felt tired, drained. How can this situation be so afflicting? Was it like this for everybody else? She is snapped out of her thoughts with Ceren asking about the test, and she remembered it was still in the bathroom. "Did it pass the 5 minutes?", she got up in a jump. "Yeah, probably", Fifi says and Eda rushes to the bathroom to get the stick. She doesn't dare to look at the result, not yet. She sits back on the couch, surrounded by her friends and aunt. She wants to cry, and she doesn't even know why. I guess something inside her just knew what was the result. She closed her eyes and felt tears dropping down her face. She didn't realize she was holding that stick so tight, so she loosen up a bit. Her friends could peep the result, but they stayed quiet. Her aunt held Eda's hand, as she took a deep breath and brought the stick closer to her sight, until she opened her eyes completely.

She was carrying Serkan's baby. She smiled through tears, she felt her chest could burst in happiness. Actually, she was a melting pot of feelings: joy, worry, apprehension, doubt. But now she concentrated on her friends in front of her, screaming loudly and jumping around the room dragging even her aunt with them. She opened a big smile. They were just so happy for her. They came to Eda, screaming words she couldn't understand and jumping around her. "Kızlar, calm down", Eda screams, smiling. As the girls calm down, they all sit back again. Ayfer hugs her tight, and whispers her congratulations. "I'm sure you'll be the most wonderful mother, Edacim. I am so happy for you. This is a gift, the most precious gift life can ever give. You'll feel what your mom felt when you came to this Earth." Eda starts crying again with the mention of her mother. Oh, how she wishes she and dad were here to share this moment with her. They would be so happy. She felt upset thinking her child would never meet her maternal grandparents. Fifi noticed the sudden change of expressions in Eda's face and touches her arm. "Edacim? What happened?" Eda looks down. "I just... I just wish mom and dad were here too." They all hug Eda again, and she cries some more. Ayfer looks at her with teary eyes as well. "Eda, they're here. They're always here", she touches her niece's chest, right on the place where her heart is. "Tamam, tamam, no more sad thoughts or sad moments. This is a moment that should be celebrated with joy and smiles!" Melo screams and gets up, pulling Eda from the couch and giving her a big hug and a couple of kisses on her cheeks. "Edacim! You're giving me my niece! Or nephew! I can't believe! I'm so happy! I can't believe! A BABY! EDA!", it looked like Melo was the one confused now, with her wide eyes looking from Eda's face to her tummy a couple of times, and then covering her mouth with her hand. "Edacim! You're gonna be a mama! And you're giving me a tiny baby to spoil with many gifts!", Ceren says with tears in her eyes. Eda hugs her, and then Fifi. "Edacim, congratulations! My baby sister is having a baby? This is crazy, vay!", she looks up and exhales with "UFFFF" while wiping some tears. "Fifi? Are you crying Fifi?", Eda says shocked. The other girls come closer to Fifi, close enough to analyze her face and clearly see the tears rolling. They all laugh. Fifi was crying. Fifi never cried. The four girls give a group hug, and when they split and sit down again, Ayfer walks to her niece, who's standing there just fanning herself with her hands. She hugs Eda by the side, and asks:

"Eda, is Serkan home?"

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