What Love Gives

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A month and a half later

Another week starts, and with it a lot of work in Eda's hands, that does her best during the week to meet the demands of both companies she works for. Work is always like this, there are times where it's calm but there are times where you can barely breathe between one project and the other.

When she finishes getting ready, Eda peeps the time and sees that she is running late, thanks to the discomforting dizziness and nausea she felt earlier this morning. She's been feeling a little ill for a week now, the first time being while she was home alone and she almost collapsed straight to the floor if it wasn't Seyfi miraculously showing up on her door with groceries for them. Serkan and Eda were so busy that they didn't even have time to go grocery shopping lately. She made him promise to not tell anyone what happened, she thought it wasn't worth worrying about it. A simple malaise. "I don't wanna worry Serkan", she had said at the occasion.

When she leaves her bedroom, Serkan is already at the table eating breakfast. "Günaydın hayatım", Eda kisses her husband's forehead before grabbing an apple. "I'll be late for ArtLife today cause there's still some things I need to finish for the Yildiz & Co project, okay?" Eda says before rushing to the front door. "Tamam, but aren't you even going to eat something? Eda, you need to eat. You've been working double than I have!". Eda, who was already late, tells Serkan not to worry cause she'll eat at lunch but now she needed to leave immediately. Giving her husband another kiss in his cheek, she prepares to leave but is interrupted by Serkan asking if she needs a ride. "I'll go with Melo, thank you!" She blows him a kiss and walks out, leaving a worried Serkan behind.

Arriving at ArtLife, Eda feels dizzy but at least this time she has Melo to lean on. "You're still feeling sick, Dada?", she asks worried. Melo heard her throwing up the other day, but Eda convinced her it was just a bad reaction of her organism to something she ate. With a nod of her head and a quick "yok", Eda rushes inside the company, dismissing Melo's questions and worried look.

After a long morning, it was finally lunch time. Serkan goes to Eda's office suggest they take a break to grab a quick bite at the restaurant nearby. "Aşkım, I'll owe you this one. I need to finish this dossier to take to your mother review before the day ends", she says, in a sad tone. "Tamam, but take a break and eat something, you promised", Serkan says softly while he caresses her hair and cheeks. She nods her head and they hear Engin yelling Serkan's name. He turns to leave to Engin's office, but not before giving her a "you better go eat" look while pointing at her with a fake mad face. She laughs and blows him a kiss in the air, then quickly gets back to her work.

As soon as she finishes, she makes her way to Aydan's house. When she gets there, at first she doesn't find Aydan or anyone home. She goes look for them on the immense garden of the Bolat's. As she searches for somebody, she suddenly stops and feels the dizziness come back stronger than the other times. Next thing she knows, her sight turns dark and she passes out right there. Thankfully, not even 5 minutes later Aydan and Seyfi finds an unconscious Eda in the garden and brings her inside. When she's back into consciousness, Eda opens her eyes to find two worried heads in her sight. "What happened?" she moans feeling her head hurt a little bit. "You were passed out in the garden, Eda", Aydan says. Seyfi asks if she's feeling well and she nods her head in affirmation. "Have you eaten today, dear? Is the reason you fainted lack of nourishment?", Aydan asks. Seyfi and Eda exchange looks and Eda decides to tell her in-law that she hasn't been feeling well for a week now, and that she's not been eating a lot because of the rush on the weekdays. "But I really don't think it would make me faint like that, it was different", Eda says, thoughtful. "And my stomach throwing out almost every food I eat doesn't help either", she completes. Aydan, attentive to this last part, suddenly connects the symptoms. She lean closer to the brunette, who's still trying to situate herself, and put one hand on her knee. "Eda...could you be pregnant?" Aydan asks in a whisper. "HAYIR!" Eda practically jumps. She calms down and say: "It's not possible Aydan hanim, especially now. Of course not!", she quickly dismisses the idea. Aydan, still suspicious, says tamam and asks Seyfi to bring something so Eda can eat. While she eats, Eda discreetly asks them to not comment with Serkan what had happened to not worry him.

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