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"What, what was that? Who said that?" I screamed repeatedly, trying to touch and hold the figures as they disappeared like they were never there. "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha... ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!" I said, trying not to cry.

It seemed like I had gone insane from being here for too long. I've been here for too long, and it seems there's no getting out of this place. But at least the voices are gone. Or was I just making them up from going crazy? Come to think of it, I've always been crazy. I always knew this day would come, but I wanted to defy all odds. I wanted to do what couldn't be done. I mean, who did I think I was, creating a worldwide cure? Ha-ha, what a dream.

I could have lived my life to the fullest, but I wanted to be special. I wanted to be known. (Sigh...) I wanted to live... I mean, what's in this life anyway? There's nothing to live for anyway, except for my... my... (I burst into tears) I promised them... I promised I'd live, but here I am, Lord! Haaaaaaa, haaaaaa, why, why? (I quickly stop) Lord, Lord! Yes, yes, that's it.

I quickly kneel. "Lord, I know I have lived a foolish life, but please, Lord, I know it has been a very, very long time since we talked, but here I am again to ask you for a chance. Please, Lord, you know I don't deserve this. No, you know they don't deserve this just for me, just for me. So please, Lord..." I put my head and hands on the ground. "Please give a second chance, just a second chance, and I'll change my ways!"

I stand up sadly. "I guess my prayer won't be answered. Screw... th..." Suddenly, it felt like a blade went through my heart. "What the fu...!" I fainted.

"Ha-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a...!" I scream as I wake up. "Where am I...?"

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