The price of playing GOD

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As the two young men continued to pore over the pages of the Hans vogel diary, they were struck by the sheer determination he had in finding a cure for his illness. They couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for his unwavering dedication to his goal.

But as they delved deeper into the diary, they began to uncover the darker side of his quest. They read about the countless experiments he conducted on himself, pushing the limits of his body and mind in pursuit of a cure. And then they came across a shocking revelation - the medicine he had created to cure himself of cancer had been reverse-engineered by the government to cause cancer instead.

The two occupants were aghast. How could anyone do something so cruel and twisted? They felt a sudden urge to right this wrong, to find a way to undo the damage that had been done. And as they continued to read the diary, they began to suspect that Hans had actually discovered the original source of the c cell, buried somewhere in the pages.

But the more they searched, the more they realized that Hans had never written about any source in his diary. It was as if he had kept it hidden, a secret that he had taken to the grave.

The two occupants were left with more questions than answers. Was the protagonist's dream really worth sacrificing his life for? Was he truly a hero, or just a man driven by obsession? , was there really a cure for cancer hidden somewhere in his diary, waiting to be found? And most importantly why didn't he choose the choice that saved his life 

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