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Coming back from his unfortunate visit with his boss, Marx was on his way back home when an unlucky turn of events took place. Marx thought that he would understand I had no.. (coughs) choice (coughs) not knowing what the hell (coughs blood) is this blood, oh no, "my heart". No, no, this can't be, I worked my whole life for this, I can't... I can't... die! I better call an ambulance, someone... help... me...

Marx!!! Marx!!! Marx!!! No, don't do this to me, Marx!!!.... You promised me, remember? You promised us all, right, Marx? Remember, please just stay with me, wake up, please just wake up!!! (She cried out over the body of her son)

Those were the very words I heard while bleeding endlessly there. Unable to utter a word, all I could do was weep in my heart. Life couldn't at least spare an inch of kindness for me. It could have taken me sooner when I had no hope, but it gave me hope, just to take it away. Why!!! Why!! Why!! Why!! Why!!!!!! Me. What did I do to deserve this!!!(shouts angrily in his heart). Why!! Does it have to end like this after all my hard work, after all I've done, why me, why... Someone answer me........ Please, someone just answer me... Please.... Is this my end...?

Slowly, Marx closes his eyes as he fades away

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