Meeting Izuku

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I've been Katsuki Bakugou for a few years and am now four years old, which is weird since I thought I would have met Deku (Izuku, I won't call him Deku) by now. I wish I had watched more than just a few episodes of My Hero academia and some random fanfiction. I don't even know everyone in class 1 As' names. Today is my first day of preschool. Mitsuki (I refuse to call her Mum.) makes me walk even though it takes an hour to get there. It wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't physically four, but I am, so when I arrive I'm exhausted. Every adult I see as I talk at the front desk ignores me like it's normal for a young child to come to preschool alone looking like they just ran a marathon. I ignore them right back. In my last life, I was too much of a people pleaser, changing myself for others. This time around I won't care. I won't think I'm better than everyone or bully people like Katsuki from the anime, but I will act however I want without caring what others think. I finish at the front desk and make my way into the playroom putting my bag away next to the door. Now, what to do? I look to my left where some kids are playing with a train set. boring. I look to my right where kids are drawing. I'm terrible at drawing. I look forward to where a very familiar boy with green hair and eyes is sobbing with no one helping him. I grumble under my breath. I don't really want to become friends with him. He's not a bad person and I don't hate him, it's just... he's such a pushover and he stutters and cries so easily, letting anime Katsuki bully him and tell him to kill himself without even fighting back. All that doesn't matter anyway. I can't just leave someone crying, especially a kid.

"Stop crying." Well... that wasn't what I meant to say.

He looks up at me with wide wet eyes before stuttering, "S... so... sorry," and crying even harder.

I sigh in annoyance. in my past life, my Mum did daycare at home so the house was filled with kids all the time, I am over them.

"What happened?" I ask, instead of just leaving like I want to. It comes out more like a growl and I'm sure my naturally scowly face makes it look like I'm glaring, but instead of continuing to cry he actually seems to calm down a little.

M... My a... a... All Might." He sniffles as he points to two kids across the room a blond girl and a boy with leaves for hair. "Th... they to... took it." I glare over at the two kids. I couldn't have just left him alone, could I? Now I have to do something. With an overdramatic groan, I walk over to them.

"Oi." They turn to me. "Give that to me," I demand, gesturing to the doll. Okay, this body is definitely doing something to me, I don't normally act this gruff...

... Oh well. It's kinda fun.

"Why would we do that?" the girl asks defiantly her hands on her hips as she stares at me smugly.

Okay... don't act like four year old. I open my mouth and, "because I said so!" Shit.

"Well, I don't wanna!" I'm about to argue back when I get an idea.

"Okay," I say. The girl looks shocked and then suspicious. "I'll just go get a hero."

"Why?" she asks.

"Because you stole something, that's what villains do."

Her eyes fill with tears. "I'm not a villain!"

"You're not?" I ask. She nods. I hold my hand out. "Then give that back." She looks conflicted and then defeated as she hands it to me, and without another word I turn and walk away. I reach Izuku who has stopped crying as he stares at me his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open in shock.

"Y... you..."

"Here." I hold out the All Might doll to him.

"You... you were..." he continues to stutter ignoring the doll. "You were like a hero!" I stare at him incredulously. "You got All Might back even without fighting! You're amazing!" Oh no... I don't like where this is headed. "I'm I... Izuku... want t... to be friends?" He tilts his head down and looks up at me through his bangs with puppy dog eyes.

I have two options. Option one, say yes. Or option two anime Katsuki it. I like option two.

"There's no way I'll be friends with you!" I turn to look into the distance my fist clenched before me. "I don't need friends! I'm a lone wolf!" I think I overdid it... Meh, I like being dramatic.

"Wh... what a... about a sidekick?" I turn to him in confusion. "Y... you're go... going to be a... a hero, ri... right?" Huh. I hadn't actually thought that far ahead. Do I want to become a hero... Okay obviously, yes. But could I become one? Who knows? But I won't know unless I try. "I c... can be yo... your sidekick." Izuku continues, ignorant of my inner ramble. I look him up and down. The reasons I don't want to be friends with him could be fixed if I put a bit of effort in. Not completely since a lot of it is just his personality, but I could at least help him learn how to stand up for himself.

"All my sidekicks have to be strong and brave." His eyes light up.

"I... I can be!"

"They have to not only stand up for others who need help but also themselves so that I don't have to protect them all the time," I continue.

He looks slightly uncertain, but answers with, "I... I'll learn!"

"Fine then. You can be my sidekick." It would be hilarious if he stayed my sidekick even if he becomes the number one hero with One for All... wait... doesn't that only happen because anime Katsuki bullies him?


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