Offered help

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I am so stressed. We're starting our third year of middle school and I have completely forgotten when Izuku is supposed to meet All Might. And doesn't he only get his quirk because anime Katsuki gets attacked by that slime villain? I don't want to get attacked by a slime villain, and I can't try to do it anyway for Izuku since I don't know where the villain will be. No. If it's meant to be, he'll get one for all and if he doesn't he'll be able to get into UA with Aizawa's training where All Might is looking for someone to give his quirk to.

A hand on my shoulder jolts me out of my thoughts... literally. I flinch back on instinct and tense for the blow. The hand immediately pulls away.

"... Katsuki?" is said softly and shit, that's Aizawa. I look up to see him looking at me with concern and... something else?

"I... I'm fine." He looks even more concerned now. I never stutter.

"Katsuki. You know you can come to me for anything right?" he asks slowly, softly. He never talks like that. But I can't tell him, I... wait. Why can't I? I know what Mitsuki's doing is wrong. I have memories of another life with an amazing mother who never hurt me to prove it.

"I... My... Mit..."

"Kacchan!" Izuku calls running into the room, Hitoshi right behind him, but... no. I need to tell to Aizawa. He can help me. I look up at Aizawa again from where I had started looking at my feet at some point. I'm not sure what expression I'm wearing, but it must be bad from the way he reacts.

"Out!" he calls to the other two. "I need to talk to Katsuki."

"Is he okay?" Toshi asks hesitantly. And it's only when Aizawa puts his hand back on my shoulder that I realise that I'm shaking, hard.

"He'll be fine, go." They hesitate a for second before leaving, shooting me worried glances as they do. "Katsuki?" I snap back to Aizawa with a small gasp. Shit. I need to calm down and tell him.

"Mits..." Wait. He probably doesn't know her name. "My... My mother..." I hate calling her that.

"What did your mother do?" My throat closes and I can't speak, can't breathe. But I need to tell him... I slowly reach up and take off the scarf Hitoshi gave me ignoring Aizawas shocked gasp as I try to suck in air. I know why he's shocked. The hand shaped bruise on my neck would shock anyone. Then I finally pull in a breath and I start to talk.

"She... she's normally better at hiding them. Only doing it where my clothes can hide them. She was really angry yesterday though. she'd lost an important customer and... and..." I trail off from my rambling. Aizawa looks murderous.

"Why didn't you come to me sooner? You know I'm helping the Todorokis," he asks.

"I don't know," I mutter. And it's true. I had never really thought about it as an option when I really should have.

"It's fine. You told me now and she'll never hurt you again. You can come stay with me until we can sort things out," he says comfortingly. I slump in relief and emotional exhaustion. I'll be safe now.


"Before we go inside, there's something you should know," Aizawa says as we reach his house. It's a small house with a messy overgrown garden, but it's nice.

"... what?"

"I'm married. My husband is inside now." I blink in surprise and think over everything I know from this life and the show in my last one.

"Present Mic?" It's Aizawas turn to be surprised.

"How'd you know?" he asks.

"It wasn't hard to guess."

"Okay. Well, he's inside waiting for us."

"He knows I'm coming?"

"I texted him on the way here. Don't worry. You don't have to talk to him. It's pretty late, I can lead you straight to where you'll be sleeping if you want?" he offers.

"What about Mitsuki?"


"My... mother."

"I'll take care of it. You just get some sleep."

"Okay." I don't even see Present Mic as I'm led to the spare bedroom.

"Come tell me if you need anything, otherwise I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" I grunt in reply as I flop on the bed. I hear a chuckle before the door closes leaving me alone. I sigh letting all the tension leave my body as I close my eye to sleep.


I sit up with a groan to check my messages.

Bambi, the Princess and the Kat!

Bambi) Kacchan?
Bambi) R u ok?

Princess) He might still be with Aizawa

Bambi) Its ben a whil tho...

Princess) Kat, we're here if you need us

Bambi) Yea! We r!

Kat) Shut up, dipshits.

Bambi) Kacchn!

Princess) You cant be to bad if you're calling us dipshits

Kat) I'm fine. Aizawa's taking care of it. Also, get your auto-correct checked or at least try to spell properly. Idiot.

Bambi) I tld u its brokn!

Kat) ...
Kat) I will break your phone.

Bambi) No!!!!
Bambi) I was joking!
Bambi) I'm sorry!

Kat) Better. Your phone gets to live.
Kat) Now shut up.
Kat) I'm gonna sleep.

Kat is offline

I put my phone to the side and lie back down.

For the first time in this life, things don't seem so shit.

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