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I head to the bathroom to change, waving Toshi and Zuku off when they slow to join me. I'd rather keep my scars from my time with the old hag to myself, if only to not get any pity or have to answer any questions. I'm the first outside other then Shouta who gives me a small nod.

I'm scuffing a foot on the ground as I wait, when Icy hot... Todoroki Shhhha? Dobby told me this! Sho? Shouta? Wait, no... Whatever. Icy hot walks out and I immediately feel a strange kinship with him. We should make a club, the shitty parents club! He looks fine which might be because he's away from his dad or it could just be how he always looks. I give him a smirk when he turns to face me and look away only now noticing the other students are out, including Toshi and Zuku at my sides.

"Todoroki?" Toshi says, seeing where I was looking.

"Dobbys brother," I explain.

They both make an understanding sound and I zone out, going through the tests on auto pilot. Only blinking out of it when we get to the last test, the ball test and I realise Toshi hasn't been able to use his quirk yet. In a quirk test.

"Oi." He hums to show he's listening. I keep my voice low. "Use your quirk on me on your turn." He turns to me with a raised brow. "It's a quirk apprehension test, you should use your quirk."

He doesn't look certain, but nods, just as my names called. I step forward and easily get 1047m. I walk back to the in awe crowd with a smirk, zoning out again until Toshi steps forward. Everyone whispers amongst themselves, confused, when instead of throwing the ball he turns to me.


"Yeah?" I feel myself slip, my mind going foggy.

"Come here." I hear the whispers grow as my body walks up next to him. "Throw this as far as you can with your quirk," he orders, gently placing the ball in my hand. The ball goes flying, my quirk knocking me out of his control.

"1048 meters."

Fuck! One more meter? Seriously?! I scowl at Toshi, who only smirks back. I roll my eyes as we walk back to the side. My scowl grows when I see the wary looks everyone is sending him now. I ruffle his hair, messing it up even more then it already was and smirk at his squawk, then turn and glare at anyone who's looking while he fixes his hair. I'm back to watching the test by the time Toshis done. I ignore Zukus knowing smile.

"Hi! Remember me? We sat next to each other back at-" I turn and immediately blank my face.

"Red," I say, cutting him off. I can feel Zuku and Toshi exchange a look behind me, I ignore them.

"Yeah! Well, my names actually Eijiro Kirishima, but red fits a lot more now," he replies with a big smile, gesturing to his now bright red spiky hair.

"Katsuki Bakugou." And what the fuck else am I supposed to say? He's looking at me expectantly.

"Explodo guy!" I turn to a kind of familiar looking guy with yellow hair, gold eyes and is that a black lightning bolt in his hair. "I didn't get to thank you!" I stare at him blankly. "You saved me from a robot!" I saved a lot of people from robots and do not remember a single one of them.

"Hi! I'm Izuku Midoriya, this is Hitoshi Shinsou," Toshi waves, "and this is Katsuki Bakugou!" I grunt, turning back to the front, done with social interaction for today.

"I'm Denki Kaminari! It's nice to-"

He's cut off by Shouta announcing the results. I came first and Toshi and Zuku came near the bottom, but not last. Shouta then reveals that expelling someone was a ruse, and I definitely was not listening when he said he was going to expel someone... whatever.


We're all back in my room at Shoutas going over homework. Homework on the first day. That's bullshit.

"So, Kat," Toshi starts. I do not like how he said that. I narrow my eyes at him, but he only smiles faux innocently. "How did you meet Kirishima?" I raise an unimpressed eyebrow at him. "You seemed very friendly with him." Zukus eyes light up with understanding before narrowing in thought.

"Does Kat even like boys?"

They share a look before turning to me for an answer. I... well, in my last life I was pan-romantic, asexual, poly-amorous and non-binary. I'm not non-binary anymore, though I don't mind they/them pronouns, if someone asked I'd probably say he/they. As for the others... I shrug at them. They take that easily but don't let the Kirishima thing go.

"You called him red, which is a lot nicer then some of your other nicknames," Toshi says.

"And you introduced yourself. You never introduce yourself unless it's for a teacher!" Zuku adds.

"So? I introduced myself to you two."

"When we were kids and no one else since."

I shrug again, since I can't exactly say, 'yeah! He was my favorite character in my last life when this whole world was an anime!' Yeah, that wouldn't go over well.

"Come on Kat! You can tell us if you have a crush!" Zuku says, a little to eager. I scoff at him.

"How the hell would I have a crush on him? I just met him."

"Love at first sight?" Toshi offers sarcastically while Zuku snickers. I roll my eyes at them.

"That's bullshit."


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