Chapter 4

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"Well, it looks as if we all seem to have the same way to school... what a funny coincidence!" Natsumi really is the biggest pain in the neck I ever met. And she has a pretty bad timing on top of it! But the worst thing is that she is absolutely brazen and presses herself against my Mamoru like a limpet again! Oh, wait a minute...since when is he MY Mamoru?

I didn't exactly tell him this, but I think his apology to me was sincere. When we are together, something always tries to break through him but at the same time something seems to block him from telling me everything that is on his mind.

He is so completely different from me. Despite everything he awakens a longing and passion in me that I simply can't resist...and don't want to actually.

If the two Ginga siblings weren't here now, I would grab Mamoru right here and would try to get everything out of him that he hides in front of me. He definitely knows more and I doubt that it is pure care that made him decide to accompany me to school today. His gaze simply speaks a completely different language.

But for now I have a different problem, or better; two. While Natsumi is glued to Mamoru's arm, her brother Seijuro has put his arm without being asked. I was so completely surprised by his action that I couldn't really object to it. I think that's how Mamoru feels right now. If someone would meet us now, he could actually come to the conclusion that there were two couples on their way to school! At the thought of it I start to feel really sick.

"So Usagi, what are you going to do after school today? Shall we go to the arcade again or maybe have an ice cream?"

Seijuro pulls me around as if it was the most natural thing in the world and I almost stumble, I'm still so perplexed. I have to do something about it. Natsumi's brother is objectively a nice guy and he's good looking too...but I don't want this right now.

"Uhh, to be honest, I've got plans."

Looking for help I turn my eyes to Mamoru, who suddenly frowns. As if he had understood that I want to do everything but go on a date with Seijuro, he gets ready to play the savior. Ready to protect the damsel in distress from the fire-breathing dragon. Or something like that.

With a jerk, he tears himself away from Natsumi, pushes Seijuro's arm away from me and instead pushes my school bag with my pink rabbit bag into my hands. Very clever. He gives Seijuro a serious look and says in a very determined voice, almost a little too loud

"Usagi has no time! She... has to study after school today... with me."

Now, all three look at Mamoru slightly confused. Since when do I have a date with him today? And why would it be one where I have to study? I've never dated a boy before and I always thought that you'd rather do something romantic. Or is this just a feint to help me and he doesn't mean it at all?

While I'm still racking my brains to see if Mamoru is serious about spending time alone with me, Mamoru's words slowly sink in with Seijuro and Natsumi and they both give me a questioning look. It's almost as if they want me to confirm that Mamoru is actually telling the truth. Well, I'll let it come to that. What could possibly go wrong?

"Yes, it's true." I answer and notice how my head gets all red. Think Usagi! Think of a good explanation! For my next sentence, I turn my attention to my shoes which suddenly have become very interesting. I am so bad at lying. "I got such a bad grade in the history test last week and now, as a compensation, I have to work out a paper until next week and then have to do a presentation in front of the class... Mamoru kindly offered to help me a little bit."

I look up again and see three quite astonished faces. Mamoru frowns again. Maybe I have told a little too much?

"Oh, okay. Maybe tomorrow then?" Seijuro does not give up so easily. He showed yesterday in the arcade that he can be persistent. But he didn't count on his sister. She pulls him straight away from me and explains with a sweet face to Mamoru

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