Chapter 13

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Foster smirked when I defiantly placed both feet on the stairs and looked up at him defiantly.

We stared at each other silently, and when I raised my eyebrow Foster chuckled before telling the bus driver to use the same bus pass for me, too.

I stepped farther into the bus, once Foster moved, and I followed him down the tiny walk way between the seats. There was only one other person in the bus and he seemed to be asleep, as the man's face was pressed against the side of the window and his mouth slightly agar. Just as I thought the unsanitary of it, Foster abruptly stopped in the middle of the aisle and I slammed into his back.

The bus suddenly drove forward which caused me to fall more into him, and I grabbed onto his back for stability.

Foster gave me a look over his shoulder, but I ignored it. Letting go of him, I looked around the brightly lit bus. He smirked at my reaction, and then he sat down on one of the seats, but he doesn't leave any room for me.

I looked down at him with a glare but he leaned back against the seat, his head tilting up as he closed his eyes and let out a nervous sigh. Completely unconcerned of the fact that I wanted to sit next to him.

I glanced to the guy still asleep just a few seats in front of us, and then looked back at Foster, who has not moved over yet and had his eyes shut still. I step forward to sit at the bench in front of his, but Foster's hand grabbed mine.

He only opened his eyes slightly as he looked up at me from under his lashes. I stood there looking down at him wondering what he was thinking when Foster gave a small smile before he pulled me down on top him.

I let out a small cry that probably distracted the driver for a second, but it was nothing to make him stop the bus.

Half-straddling him, with one of my knees between both of his and my hands landed on either side of his face to grip the top of the seat. I steadied myself from falling on him.

"Uh...Foster?" I stuttered as his hands lightly wrapped around my waist, and he leaned his head against me, just under my shoulder and sighed again.

"Mike is going to kill me for letting you get on the bus." He said light-heartedly, before tilting his back up at me, "Why did you get on, Maggot?"

"...because you were challenging me to." I said simply, then tried to move away from him but he didn't let me. He actually held me tighter when I struggled to get away.

"Are you sure you weren't just curious?" He asked knowingly, and I looked away from his teasing gaze.

Okay he got me there, but it was also because he was staring me down like I wouldn't do it. Like...he was testing me. That look made me step into the bus after him, but I really didn't know what kept me there.

I mean knowing that he wasn't going after Vincent should have been a good enough answer for me. Although, it wasn't. I needed to know if he was going to be okay. I really couldn't let him go somewhere on his own in the middle of the night.

"Foster, why did you get on?" I asked him turning his question around on him, and he smiled in response even though he didn't look happy. It's like the action of smiling and his expression didn't match.

"You remember when I said that I won't tell you about my court date until I decide what to do about it?" He glimpsed out the window and then back up at me with a pained expression, it was obvious this court date was stressed him out.

"I do." I said softly.

He slowly removed one of his hands from my waist and he tousled his hair. Though his hand messed up the hood of his sweater as it was now pushed off the top of his head slightly, "I haven't decided anything yet, but getting on the bus has a lot to do with it."

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