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"'I said leave, Mr. Keating!'

Mr. Keating slowly turned around, before heading towards the door of the classroom, sighing, and opening it.

Todd, who had been sitting quietly in the front of the classroom, suddenly stood up, climbing onto his desk, before yelling, 'O Captain, my captain!', desperation filling his voice, as it cracked the slightest bit, threatening to break and let out into a sob.

Mr. Nolan, raised his voice at the student, shouting, 'Sit down, Mr. Anderson!'

Mr. Keating pauses at the door, turning around and looking at the classroom full of students.

'Did you hear me? I said, sit down, Mr. Anderson!'

The room was dead silent, as Todd remained on his desk, disobeying the teacher's orders.

After a moment of indecision, in the heat of the moment, Knox too, had gotten out of his seat and stood up onto his desk, shouting, 'Oh Captain, my captain!'

'Mr. Overstreet, I'm warning you! Sit down!'

Gerard got up, standing on his desk, and echoed the call for their former English teacher, who's heart of gold had taught the students about the feeling of self worth and the importance of thought and poetry, it's consequence costing his job. Steven and Spaz followed the other three, courageously standing up onto their desks, ignoring the commands of the dictator below them, yelling their last names for them to sit down, and for the teacher he had just fired to leave.

As the seconds went by, more students in the class got up onto their desks, an exercise that Keating had once made them do, to help them see the world in a different perspective.

'Everything looks different when you see it from here. Come over here, you try,' he had said to his class, instructing them to all take turns, standing on top of his desk and view the classroom from another perspective.

'All of you, down! I want you seated, do you hear me? Sit down!' Mr. Nolan shouted, pointing at the students who were standing up on their desks.

Mr. Keating stood in the doorway, staring up at the boys in wonder, as a smile came to his face. 'Thank you, boys. Thank you.'"


Fred, George, and Cherry sat in the living room of Alicia's apartment, eyes glued to the screen of the TV. The curtains were drawn and the lights were off, the trio sitting on the couch cuddled in blankets and bowls of popcorn and gummy bears.

There faces were in shock, as the movie ended. The credits had started rolling, as a tear slipped out of the twin's eyes, and Cherry was nearly full on sobbing as the music sentimental music started playing, finishing the film off. Thankfully she wasn't wearing any makeup, and neither was Fred, who had started wearing more eyeliner ever since Cherry had introduced it to him, or else there faces would've been streaked with black tear stains.

"That- was so- good!" Fred choked out a sob, as he wiped his face. "Oh, Merlin, I'd never thought that I'd cry over something as stupid as a muggle movie!" he'd said, blowing his nose with a napkin before handing the box to Cherry, who sat besides him, crying about it too.

George had also cried at the end, and wiped his face as the three of them took a deep breath, before looking at each other and bursting out into laughter. "This is the first time we cried about a movie together!" George laughed.

Mischief Managed || Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now