26 (SMUT)

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(Please don't read this.)


Quietly chattering, the two lovebirds made their way back to the Gryffindor common room, late in the afternoon. Fred and Cherry had spent a while outside, in one of the courtyards, walking and talking, about their dreams, their favorite movies (which Cherry's was obviously Dead Poets Society, which she was determined to show him tomorrow when they arrived in New York), what makes them cry, what makes them laugh, everything that they hadn't talked about together yet.

It was long after the ball had ended when they had gone back to the common room, but the after party was still raging as ever. Students from different houses playing strip poker and downing fire whiskey shots around the table and the floors and couches of the room, some sober, some stoned, some drunk off their asses, but everyone was genuinely enjoying themselves. Cherry knew that she was, and she really hoped that Fred was too.

"Hey, lovebirds!" They heard a shout from across the room.

"Hey Lee," Cherry said, as he stumbled over with a bottle of tequila in his hands, drunk as hell. "I will be taking that from you," she said, snatching the bottle out of his hands and taking a swig of it, grimacing as the strong liquid slid down her throat. "Ew, I need a mixer," she laughed, tugging Fred towards the table holding all the drinks.

Looking around the table, she couldn't find anything, so she turned to Fred. "Wanna head up to my dorm with me, or do you wanna stay here?" she asked, smirking. Cherry didn't know what overcame her as she slowly slid her hand up his thigh, ever so subtly.

Fred looked as she trailed her hand up his dress pants, which he still had on from tonight. "Oh, really?" he said, smirking. "I'd love to head up with you, for a few drinks..."

"Great," she smiled, and tugging on his arms the two slipped away from the party, not that anyone noticed since they were too drunk off their asses, except for George, who spotted the two of them and winked.

Entering her dorm room, she closed the door and muttered the silencing charm at the door, the music from outside coming to a stop as she turned on her LED lights and set them to a light red color, setting the tone of the room.

"Oh, silencing the room, setting these lights... Cherilyn Way, are you trying to seduce me?" he asked, smirking as he came up from behind her and snaked his arm around her waist, causing her to giggle.

"No, definitely not," she laughed, reaching into her desk and pulling out a mango monster can and emptying it in a wine glass before adding some of the tequila and taking a sip of it.

"Aw, it's okay, because it's working," he smirked, taking the pink glass from her and taking a sip of it himself before she snatched it back.

"Hm? So you wouldn't mind if I did this..," she glided her hand up Fred's thigh, dangerously close to the front of his pants.

"Love, you are in so much danger right now," Fred sucked in a breath, leaning on the desk. He pulled her in by the waist and pressed up against her, setting the mostly empty champagne glass on the table.

Her breath grew hot against his chest as she felt his growing boner press up against her core. Letting out a breath, she began to trail her hand up against it and palming his erection.

"Yeah? Exactly how much..," she pushed, looking back up at his face in the glowing red light of them room and slowly bit her lip, making Fred groan in frustration before pinning her against the wall and intensely smashing his lips against hers, grunting as she let out a small sigh through her open lips against his mouth, which he took to his advantage to slip his tongue in, slowly massaging and exploring the inside of her mouth as his hand caressed her back.

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