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They were on their way to Seattle. Alice driving meaning that they were gonna arrive about thirty minutes early. Cecily sat next to Bella in the back. Trying to ignore the smell of ice and smoke.

"Can I borrow your phone real quick?" Cecily asked the car, Bella quickly handing her a phone. Dialing the house phone, she waited to know that everyone was listening. A male voice spoke through the phone.

"Goodnestone Residence."

"Ben, it's Cecily."

"Cecily! When are you coming home?" He asked in a cheery voice. She smiled slightly.

"I'll be back Monday. Are you behaving? You better not be staying up all night playing video games." She was talking fast and low so no one could hear.

"We're all fine. Margaret is taking good care of us." He said then quickly added. " Thomas did on the other hand break his arm again."

"He just got it off last week." Cecily quietly groaned. Thomas would be dead by now if they could die. "Where are the others?"

"Eating." He said as they pulled up outside some bridal store.

"Well, I have to go. I'll see you guys Monday."

"I love you." He said, Cecily could hear the tears in his voice. Making her regret ever coming. She was dumb to think Ben would be okay.

"I love you too little one." She whispered before hanging up. Handing Bella back her phone, she stepped out of the car. Smelling nothing but smoke.

It had been a while since Cecily had been in public, usually, Margaret went to get stuff. The smell and noise were overwhelming. A quick breath and a cough then suddenly she was in the store. Looking at Alice she glared. Cursing vampires under her breath she began trying on dresses that Alice threw at her. They were either too short, too long. Too this too that. Until eventually Alice stomped off dragging Rose behind her. Cecily walked outside to see Bella with a cigarette in her mouth going through her purse. (I know Bella doesn't smoke but my story shut up.) The brunette glanced at her.

"You wouldn't happen to have a light would you?" Bella asked her. Rolling her eyes Cecily snapped her fingers. A small fire formed on her pointer finger. Lighting the cigarette then like that it was gone. Maybe that is why the reason she smells more like smoke than other humans? Cecily mused to herself.

"So I assume you know what they are?" Cecily said looking at the smoking teenager. Who just nodded.
"And your fine with just giving up your humanity?"

"I'm NOT giving up my humanity." Bella snapped, immediately regretting it when the blonde's eyes flashed black.

"Whatever you say. Just remember whatever you do with your immortality. The Volturi never learn of my existence." The blonde said calmly walking back into the store. Stupid human.

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