Chapter Two

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Before I start just a quick AN
Sorry that I took so long to update some personal stuff happened and I couldn't access my iPad for a few days.

As I pushed Nico back onto his bed, his eyes sparked with an emotion I had never seen in him before. Gods, what if he knew that I had a crush on him? No. He covered his face with his hands and let out a couple of shaky breaths.
"Will...I...I'm sorry. I just..."
I cut him off by kissing his cheek.
His eyes widened and he pulled away. I didn't see anger in his eyes though. I saw a faint excitement.
"Nico... I need to tell you something. Ever since I saw you in the battle of Manhattan, I was in love. I love you Nico di Angelo. Would you give me the honour of being my boyfriend?"
His eyes widened and his breathing hitched. Shit, I hope he's ok.
Before I could say sorry, he grabbed my shirt in his pale hand and pulled my face into his, causing our lips to collide and sparks to burst in my mind.
He pulled away after a few moments and his voice came out as a growl.
"Not a word to anyone Solace, not until I decide it's ok."
I nodded my head and pushed him back onto the bed.
"Don't worry Nico, I'll stay with you and fight off the night terrors."
He blushed as he closed his eyes, our hands together.
Out fates were intertwined.

Nico POV
"Come on Will, pleeeeeease? It's been two days, the least you can do is let me go to the mess hall for lunch. I promise you can sit with me to make sure I eat, and I promise I will come straight back here!! I'm sick of the these dam walls."
Will looked a little flustered. I pleaded with him all of yesterday to let me leave for lunch today. I may be am antisocial son of Hades, but I kinda wanted to see my friends from the Argo II.
"Fine. But only if you stay with me and come straight back."
I smiled and stood up. I stood to fast, my head spun and legs wobbled. Will out out his arm to steady me, and I gladly took it. After a moment of standing still, I let go of Will's arm and walked out the door, through the infirmary and out on the green. A few heads turned but the one head I cared about was right in front of me, leading me to the mess hall. I sat down at the Hades table and Will say next to me. I ordered a McDonalds happy meal and a goblet full of cherry coke. Will got a hot dog and orange soda. My stomach hurt, but it was probably from hunger, so I kept eating. After I was finished I told Will I would meet him back in my room. As I was walking back my head started to spin again so I sat down by a bush. No sooner than I sat down did I feel bile rise in my throat. I pushed it down, biting my cheek. I crouched behind the bush, desperately trying to stand, but I couldn't. I fell onto my knees and soon was sick. I groaned and tried to stand again, but to no avail. My head felt fuzzy but I could see Will coming towards me, worry on his features. He pulled me up by my arms and helped me walk back to the infirmary. I blacked out as we got in the doors.
Will's. POV
He just had the flu, but he was still so weak that anything could push him over the edge. I grabbed my sister Amelia and together we carried him to his room. I shooed her away and while he slept, I checked his temperature, his vitals and transferred heat so he wouldn't fade. He was feverish. I placed a cold pak on his forehead, and sang a little made up tune to help him sleep.
"Shut up Solace."
I laughed a little at his sleep talk and left the room to go check on the other campers. A new one came in, I made sure she was alright. She had a sprained ankle, nothing a little ambrosia couldn't fix. After she was better, I went back to check in in Nico. He was sleeping peacefully. I gave him some nectar to soothe his stomach, but I suppose something's even god food can't heal.
Nico's eyes fluttered open and he smiled a bit as I grabbed his hand.
"How you feeling Sunshine?"
"Better. My stomach still aches."
I went to the cupboard and pulled out a hot water bottle. I filled it and used my Apollo magic to heat the water. I handed it to Nico and he placed over his stomach. He looked pretty pale. I sat down next to him and payed my had on the pillow so I was staring into his eyes. He was blushing, but doing a pretty bad job hiding it.
"As soon as you recover from this, you can go back to your cabin."
Nico looked excited. There was still something he was hiding from me. Oh well.
We fell asleep, lying there together, until the screams started.

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