Chapter 1

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Nico's POV
I left Percy standing on the grass, his face a mixture of shock and confusion. Annabeth stood beside him with a look of pride. Will Solace was standing across from me, his arms crossed, tapping his foot slightly.
"Come on Death Boy, three days rest. You promised."
Will grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me to the infirmary. We got a few stares, most people didn't usually see me in any type of clothing other than black, and I was wearing a torn up Hawaiian shirt of all things. I winced as I tripped over a rock, my werewolf claw marks stinging as the hasty stitches tugged at my wounds. The second I stepped into the Infirmary I gasped. Almost a quarter of these kids wouldn't make it overnight.
"Will... I can't stay here, these dying kids...I can't heal while feeling all their souls leave. Please, let me stay in my cabin."
Will looked at me with pity in his eyes.
"Nico, I knew that. I asked Lou-Ellen to enchant a room so you wouldn't feel it. You can thank me later, we need to give you medical care."
Will led me into a back room, closing the door behind him and sitting me on the bed, removing the last shreds of the floral shirt. He looked at the werewolf cuts and with a straight face, went and grabbed scissors from a drawer. He carefully undid the stitches, placing a green salve where they were. It burned, but the feeling soon turned to just a warm tingling. Will placed a large piece of gauze over the wounds and a long piece of hospital tape over the gauze to keep it secure. He tended to my other wounds, but I was to tired to care. I hadn't slept since Tartarus, for fear of night terrors.
"Come on Death Boy, sleepy time!"
I glared at Will.
"Don't call me that."
"Fine, ...Sunshine."
I glared at Will and laid down on the bed. I suddenly realized how tired I was. My vision blurred and all noise became muffled. I fought off the sleep as monsters and demons crowded my thoughts, but I physically couldn't, I was too far gone.
Will's POV
I saw Nico trying to resist sleeping. He had been to Tartarus and back, I understood he would have nightmares, but he needed rest. Just as his eyes fluttered open and closed again, I slipped a sleeping pill into his mouth. There. Perfect, dreamless sleep.

Timeskip like an hour
I was tending to a twelve year old Demeter camper with a broken arm when I heard the scream. Not shrill, but more like a young boy. I gave the girl over to my sister, and ran as fast as I could to Nico's room. Hallways stretched on forever. I burst open the door. He was alive. But he was thrashing around in his bed, sweat on his forehead and tear tracks down his face. He had a bruise on his hand, probably from hitting the headboard. Another strangled scream escaped his throat. He sounded like he was being murdered. His eyes flew open with the scream, but they were rolled back in his head. Darkness radiated from his body. He was breathing like he had just run a mile race. I stood in the doorway for another second before turning around and slamming in the face of my bewildered brother Quinn. I hurried over to Nico, trying to shake him awake. He stayed asleep despite my efforts. I shouted his name a couple of times before his eyes flew open and he sat up, panting and tears streaming down his cheeks.
"Nico, calm down. Nothing is going to hurt you here, it's ok. Nico. It's ok."
His eyes were still wide and he was still panting, the tears had slowed down. I placed my arm around his shoulders, the soft fabric of the black sweats smoothing under my hand. He collapsed into my arms and I felt butterflies fly crazy around all my inner organs. His breathing was evening out. He twitched a few times, but I could tell he was awake. His arms were wrapped around my neck, as if to make sure I couldn't leave. His shoulders shook with each breath he took.
"Shhhh.... Nico it's ok now. I'm here, nothing will hurt you."
He stopped shaking, and flopped back onto the bed. His fax was covered by his hands.
" you stay with me?"
He looked so ashamed for asking.
"Yes, of course Nico. You don't have to be ashamed. This is for medical reasons after all"
He blushed a bit and rolled over onto his side, taking deep breaths. I sat on the side of his bed until if was sure he was asleep. I waited a bit as I contemplated the decision I was about to make. Before I could doubt myself I gently grabbed his hand. He relaxed a bit at the touch, and so did I. I felt how cold he was. I covered him with the blanket, al the while still holding his hand. I had an idea. Heat transfer. The last head counsellor did that for me when I was cold. I closed my eyes and concentrated really hard. I imagined a bundle of my warmth gathering in my heart and floating down my hand and through to Nico, warming his whole body. At first, he shivered a little as the warmth penetrated the cold, but he soon relaxed. He rolled over and curled up into a ball. I couldn't help thinking how peaceful he looked while he slept. He looked happy. I stayed with him, holding his hand, sitting on the floor with my head resting on the bed, until the sun rose.

AN! Lol I know that seems like the perfect place to end the chapter but I rlly want to keep writing this one so yea sorry not sorry.
Nico's POV
I woke up with the sunrise, with...oh gods.... Will Solace was holding. My. Hand. Will Solace. Me. I freaked. I pulled my hand away but regretted it soon after. I got cold, really cold. I felt like I always do, cold and sad. I snuck out of the bed and walked to the door. I weighed so little that I was silent. I opened the door and Will's head shot up.
"Where do you think you're going Sunshine? I said three days."
I frantically searched my brain for an excuse.
"Umm.. The bathroom."
Will looked sceptical but he let me go anyway.
When I was in the bathroom I shut the door behind me and searched the drawers and cupboards. After checking behind the mirror, I finally found what I was looking for. A package of disposable razors. I popped the bottom blade out, as I had done so many times before, and brought it to my thigh.
Nobody will ever love me.
My mom
I didn't stop until my thigh was literally a field of cuts.
Will started knocking on the door.
"Nico? Open the door!"
I pulled up the leg of the track pants, flushed the toilet and opened the door.
"Yes Will?"
He looked at me, like he didn't believe I was fine.
We walked back to the room and the second the door was closed he sat me down in an examination table. His hand touched the thigh with the cuts as he reached for a tool.
I winced and gritted my teeth. Will's head turned and me removed his hand, worry In his eyes. His hand came away with blood on it and his eyes widened.
I looked away, not in shame, but guilty for the look in Will's eyes.
He lifted down the track pants, leaving me in just my grey boxer shorts. I blushed a bit at the lack of clothes but it soon stopped as Will poured clear liquid over my cuts. I screeched, it hurt so baldy.
"I'm sorry Nico! But we need to clean these."
A few tears fell from my eyes as Will wrapped a bandage around my thigh. He rolled the pants back up and...oh gods.
He carried me to my bed.
As I was laid down, Will came and sat beside me. He placed his hand over mine and his eyes looked like I had just cut him, not myself. It was then that I realized something,

I was in love with Will Solace.

A Night To Remember-A Solangelo FanficWhere stories live. Discover now