Chapter... three I think.

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 AN! So super duper sorry for not updating alot. It takes me a bit to write these. Some personal stuff has been stressing me out and I've been sick too.please don't judge to harshly,  I will try to have an update or two out every week. Okay enjoy the story my lovelies!


Will’s POV

I woke up like any other morning, a song in my mind and my eyes shut. My alarm was beeping.


I wasn’t in my room; I was in Nico’s. And the noise I heard wasn’t my alarm, it was screams.


I shook Nico awake and quickly hopped out of the bed and through the corridors of the infirmary, my sun earring turning into a bow with celestial bronze arrow.

I heard Nico running after me.

“Will! What the Hades is going on?!?”

“Don’t know. Screaming. Probably a monster.”

When   I burst from the infirmary, my eyes took a half a second to adjust to the light. Then I saw it.

A hellhound, bigger than any I had seen before. It was at least eleven feet tall, with paws twice as big as couch cushions.  It roared and several campers ran towards it, swords glinting. Nico paled. I reached out an arm to steady him, but before I could grab him, he ducked and zipped into the crowd of screaming Demigods.


His voice was hardly going to stop a throng of Demigods who were afraid. I raced over to him but my path was blocked by a bunch of demigods running to the weapons shed.  I pushed but I couldn’t get past them.

“Stop! Don’t hurt it! Please! Stop!!!”

Nico looked like he was about to cry, or pass out, or maybe kill someone.. I couldn’t really tell.

Then I got an idea.

I reached into my quiver, praying a silent plea to my father for a blessed arrow.


As I let the arrow fly, campers keeled on the ground, clutching their ears. Nico’s hands were at his head. and his entire body was clenched. I raced to his side, peeling his hands off of his ears.

“Sorry about that. Now, mind telling me what’s wrong?”

He shot me a look, and before he could open his mouth to reply, the Hellhound was growling. I had a Husky growing up, so I knew that look. It was hungry.

Nico’s voice was rushed as he explained the situation, not slowing down for a breath until his face turned slightly purple.


“Nico, slow. down.”

I had gotten the jist of the message though, and Nico wanted to use his darkness powers.


“What do you mean no? We can’t just kill it! It won’t hurt us, it’s just hungry! Plea-“

I cut him off with a quick peck to the lips. What I forgot was that there was an entire camp, and a growling Hellhound staring at us.

Nico’s face reddened and he looked so hurt and embarrassed that I just wanted to die then and there. He regained his composure after a few deep breaths and glared at me. He turned on his heel and summoned a skeleton warrior to lead the Hellhound away. He calmly returned his gaze to me and his eyes were watery.  He glared before asking my sister Irene to take him back to his room. She placed her hand on the small of his back to guide him.

I looked down in shame.  Nico had trusted me, and I broke that trust. I turned to step away but before I could do much, an elbow had pinned me to a tree and a flushed face glared at me, a tear on his cheek. His voice was a mere whisper, but it was harsh and as sharp as a knife. It cut through my and chilled me to my bones.

“How dare you. I trusted you not to make a fool of me and you did. I wasn’t ready Wi-…Solace. I wasn’t ready to come out yet.”

His voice broke and it shattered my heart into a million pieces.

“Nico I-“

His eyes glistened and he shut me up real fast. He kissed me. Full on the mouth, and his hands were curled in my hair. For a split second I stood there in shock, but soon I kissed back, snaking my arm around his waist, the other hand occupied in his hair.

The kiss seemed to go on forever, but all to quickly it was over.  Nico broke away, panting, with a tear on his cheekbone.

“You probably madea good decision Will. I would have put it off.”

My shattered heart fixed itself up at his next words.

“Will Solace. I think I might love you.”

Awe, ain’t they cuuuute <3

So right now I have my music on at all times because I’m sick and partially lost hearing in my left ear and the feeling of being half deaf is driving me insane so I keep my earbud in to make it so I can hear in that ear. Also my school’s Valentine ’s Day dance is soon and I’m not going because it hurts me. You know, Netflix is honestly better than boys. Unless it’s one particular boy. Who also happens to be my best friend. Who also- wait…. why am I telling you this?

Speaking of Valentine I’m reading TMI. And watching Sherlock, and watching Dr. Who. And I discovered I am very good at sneaking and travelling about silently. I can eavesdrop on people. Not one of my finer qualities but someday it might come in handy. and seeing as my fingers that are hittinmg the most keys on my keyboard are going numb I’ma go now. It’s making hard to write proper worsds.


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