37. Am I?

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TW ~ This chapter contains slight mentions of blood and an existential crisis-like situation, don't proceed if you are triggered by thinking about what death and dying is like ~ TW

George's POV

A group of seven people wandering around the streets would have been about the worst thing you could do before today. Except, we now have three Hyenas with us, of which two are very familiar with the use of weapons. It's not a surprise they have their knives out and ready. 

Assuming Techno has sent out people to watch us, we can never be too careful. We're so incredibly close to freedom, we can't risk anything now. I'm still sat on Clay's back, as we move through the alleyways, hoping nobody sees us. There's enough Hyenas left to catch us, even when we have a bunch with us. I hear Clay panting softly, as I've been sat on his back for a while now. Nick seems to notice too.

"Let's switch places," he says, and we all stop for a moment.

"It's fine, I can go on," Clay answers, adjusting my position against his back.

"You need a rest as well," Nick retorts, and I see Clay's head turn to him as his grip tightens around my legs. I can tell he's too protective to let go.

"Let's switch," I tell him, and he turns his head, but finds himself unable to look into my eyes.

"Are you sure? I really can keep carrying you," Clay says.

"Take a break," I answer, and he looks over at Nick hesitantly. He sighs before looking over at Wilbur, who takes it as his cue to help me down from Clay's back and onto Nick's. I smile at Clay over Nick's shoulder and let myself rest against him. 

The world has started to look different. I can't quite put my finger on what's changed, but it's not the same as it used to be. It feels quieter, my mind feels quieter. It's almost as if I'm not looking through my own eyes anymore, but like I'm spectating from far away. I don't know if that's a good thing. Something in my sight startles me back into reality though.

"Wait, stop, I think I saw something," I say as I rest one of my hands on Nick's shoulder, alerting him. Clay immediately pulls his sword from his back and starts looking around frantically.

"Where?" he asks, scanning the street.

"At the corner," I tell him, my eyes fixated on the spot where I just saw someone disappear behind the wall.

"I'm going to check it out," he answers, not leaving any room for us to protest as he already makes his way over to the corner. I watch him as he lifts his sword, ready to attack anyone who may appear from around the corner. He looks over at us once more, before stepping forward and looking down the alleyway. I hide my face behind Nick's shoulder a little further, a sense of fear creeping into my gut. Fear soon makes place for confusion, as Clay lowers his sword again and turns around, walking over to us calmly.

"Nobody's there," he says, looking me in the eyes. I furrow my brows. I could've sworn I saw someone. "What exactly did you see?"

"Just a guy," I explain, glancing back over to the corner. I jump as I see someone move again. "There!" I yell, as I clutch onto Nick's shoulders in fear. The others look over as Clay runs towards it again, following the same course of action. Once more he returns, sword low as he shakes his head. 

"Nope," he says, studying my face. He frowns and walks over to place his hand against my forehead. "Oh no," he mutters, finding Wilbur's gaze. "Fever, I think that was a hallucination," he says, and Wilbur mimics his facial expression. 

"Alright, fuck, uhm," Clay continues as he lifts his hand to his head in thought. "We're gonna run. Nick, we're switching." Nick nods, and I'm moved between their backs again. I feel at my own forehead, noticing the sweat that has started trickling down my skin. Ew

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