19. Someone to look out for

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TW ~ The beginning of this chapter contains mentions of blood and death ~ TW

George's POV

All I can do is watch. Clay is on his knees on the ground, a tall figure looming over him. His eyes are wide in fear. I try to move, I try to walk over to him, but I can't. An invisible wall is holding me back. I try banging my fists against it, but it doesn't make any noise. I try to talk, but not a single sound leaves my throat. I am stuck.

I see the twinkle of light shining on a metal surface as it's being risen above the second man's head. I focus my sight, and manage to recognize the metal as a sword. A clean, sharp sword. Clay gulps and closes his eyes, and I watch as the sword gets plunged into his chest. I want to scream, but my vocal cords are locked. I only feel warm tears stream down my cheeks as I try desperately to get through the wall, but to no avail. Blood escapes his chest in vigorous amounts, finding its way to the ground. His mouth falls open, from which also blood escapes as he coughs.

The man swiftly pulls the sword out again, and I watch Clay fall to his side, his body motionless in a pool of crimson red. The other man disappears, and so does the invisible wall, allowing me to run to Clay. The run seems to go on forever. Whenever I get one step closer, he seems two steps further away. When I finally get to him, his body is limp and cold as it's drained from blood. I grab onto his hoodie, but it's soaked up with blood that squeezes out onto my hands. I immediately let go of the fabric and stare at my hands. My hands, with his blood on them.

I feel a heavy weight coming over me. It feels like my chest is ready to implode as it squeezes my heart and lungs, making me struggle to breathe deeply. I sink down beside Clay as I take shallow breaths, soon finding myself hyperventilating. Clay can't protect me now. He is dead. And I'm alone.

When I open my eyes, it's still dark, but not because the power is out. The taller man who usually wakes up next to me has rolled over in his sleep, and is now laying on top of me with his arm covering the top portion of my face. His body presses mine into the mattress, squeezing my chest slightly, and I try to move, but I find myself unable to so. I'm not claustrophobic, but I have to admit this does toe the line of discomfort. I'm still breathing quickly as I lift his arm of my face and start taking in my surroundings. It was just a nightmare. The light has turned back on, and there's no more thunder to be heard.

"Clay?" I ask softly.

"No," he mumbles back into the crook of my neck, snuggling his nose in deeper.

"The power is back on," I try in an attempt to get him to lift up his head.

"I don't care," he mutters back, not moving an inch.

"The storm is over."

"Stop, I'm busy," he whines, dragging out the words.

"Busy with what?"

"You're so annoying, go back to sleep."

"I can't, I had a nightmare," I say softly, and his eyes open slowly. He lifts himself up and looks around, before looking down at my face, his cheeks flushing pink as he realizes the position he put us in. He quickly shoves his embarrassment aside as he scrambles off of me to sit beside me, as I start to sit up as well. I wipe my hand across my sweaty face, slowly starting to feel myself shiver. Clay quickly drapes the blanket around me as he notices me getting cold, and just continues to look at me, waiting for me to elaborate.

"Someone killed you," I say, and it's only now that I feel the emotions of the nightmare coming back to me. My heart is still beating fast as I remember the sight of him with a sword in his chest. I lift my hands to look at them, but there's no more blood on them. Just a nightmare.

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