30 | Razaeri Invasion

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I hadn't visited my palace with anyone there yet. I only had time to see the finished construction. It wasn't even furnished when I went. But it would have to wait longer because our scouts reported large masses hovering over Earth. The invasion fleet had arrived.

3rd Person | Percy's POV
2256 words

Percy flashed to Camp Half-Blood from Olympus quickly. They were setting up lines of defense at camp as all the minor gods and other Olympians covered Olympus. Percy was on standby for any location. Whichever place needed his help most, he would be there ready to summon the monster army. Tartarus had contacted him once more after he left the pit and said a temporary hole would appear wherever he stabbed his sword into the ground. The monsters would come out through there and the hole would close after the last monster came through. It could only be used twice, though. Once to bring the monsters out, and once more to send them back in after the war. If he chose to use both stabs to take monsters out, then they would be left for demigods to deal with after; no one wanted to deal with that.

The entire Chaos army had arrived yesterday. Each section went with a different lieutenant to various locations in North America. Luke would open portals to connect them if need be. They communicated telepathically, so there was no lag time. Luke was with Percy as a backup too. Everyone wanted to save their strongest fighters for when the enemy was weakened a bit. Percy and Luke both objected, not wanting to wait until people were hurt or dying to step in and help, but they were vetoed and outvoted. Until they were called into action, they were stationed in the camp infirmary.

"This is really happening?"

"Yeah, it is. But at least we're on the same side of this war, Percy."

"Thank the gods."

"Would you just be thanking yourself then?"

"Ha, I hadn't thought of that. But old habits die hard."

"I couldn't agree more. I still prefer coke straight out of a can and I still say things like 'what on Earth', yet for me, it's been hundreds if not a thousand years since I've been on Earth."

"So you've lived a long time then?"

"Yeah. I've had enough adventures for a lifetime."

"How do you cope? Knowing that you'll outlive everyone you love?"

"Percy, I didn't have anyone left. I made new friends. Made a new family. But they're all in the army and they're all partially immortal."

Percy sighed.

"But I'll tell you this. Don't give up on humanity. Wait long enough and people will do the right thing. Maybe not what you thought was good originally, but it'll all work out in the end. Keep hope and have faith."

Percy knew he wouldn't give up hope, but faith? "What exactly am I having faith in?"

"Others. Or yourself. Or the future. Anything really. Just don't give up."

Percy nodded and then they stood in silence until the commotion started. They couldn't see much out the windows but saw hordes of aliens practically falling out of the sky from huge circular spaceships. It was exactly like one of those stereotypical alien invasion movies. The Razaeri were vicious beasts with razor-sharp claws and a mouth full of pointy teeth. It looked like their skin was tough, but their blessed metal weapons could still cut through cleanly.

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