Chapter 26

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‘How could he not listen to me? After I told him specifically to stay away from Merewen, he didn’t listen. If he destroys all the results of Legolas’ and my hard work…I don’t know what I’ll do,’ I thought to myself as I flew through the corridors trying to find Elrohir.

When I found him I couldn’t hold back, I yelled at him with all I had, telling him that he could be Merewen’s downfall. When Legolas came in, he wore a very menacing look upon his face making all that saw him step away. I was not surprised when he grabbed Elrohir and started to yell at him. I was, however, surprised when Elrond separated them telling them to stop acting like children. Elrohir claimed that he was protecting his brother’s honour, by stating that Merewen was destined for him not Legolas.

Then something within Elrohir changed, I could feel it, and my suspicions were confirmed when he yelled that he loved Merewen. I didn’t understand, nor did anyone that was there, except Elrond, who remained calm. I saw Merewen stumble into the hall, looking very pale and tired. When she heard Elrohir claim that he loved her, she tripped and fell to the floor. He yelled at her, accusing her of things, and when she didn’t respond, he picked her up off the floor, smacked her hard, and was going to again when Haldir restrained him. He dropped Merewen to the floor, where Legolas picked her up and tried to calm her. I sensed inner turmoil coming from Elrohir, but I had no idea why. He struggled against Haldir, and his eyes went bloodshot, and he demanded to be released.

I wasn’t about to figure it out now, for my anger overtook me and I struck him hard enough to send him to the floor, if Haldir was not there holding him up. I was going to do it again when Elrond spoke up. He said something before, but I was too enraged to hear exactly what, but I could most certainly hear now.

“Everyone stop! Haldir restrain my son in a chair in Merewen’s chamber. Everyone else follow me, and I will explain everything.” He walked over to Merewen who was now whimpering between sobs, and he said something to her that soothed her instantly. We all went into the room where the doors were promptly closed.

Elrohir now sat in the chair by the desk with Haldir watching to ensure that was where he would stay. Elrohir looked very angry, and his bloodshot eyes remained. Merewen and Legolas now sat on the bed; worry was plastered across Legolas’ face while Merewen was entirely expressionless. I stood by Elrond, who was in the middle of the room still completely calm. He glanced around briefly and then began to speak.

“There is an explanation for all of this, for I am sure you are all confused. When Elladan died, he promised Merewen that he would return to her whether or not she found another. He has found such a way, and that is through Elrohir. He is living through his brother, for it was his easiest loophole to come back.” Everyone glanced around the room at each other; Elrohir’s head was now in his hands his palms pushing on his eyes. “I am sure this is a bit of a shock to you! It has shocked me also for I have never seen such a case. He has come to reclaim his love, as it would appear, and he will not rest until this matter is taken care of. I believe he will try anything to get what he wants, no matter what it takes!”

I heard Merewen whimper from the bed. She started to cry, and Legolas pulled her to himself, when Elrohir, or more like Elladan, snapped, “Do not touch her elf!” he jumped out of the chair and grabbed Merewen, before anyone could react. “Do not come after me, if you want her to live!” With that, he took off out onto the balcony and off into the forest, carrying Merewen in his arms.

We all ran after him, but was stopped by Elrond when he said, “Do not attempt to catch them; he will do as he warned. He is extremely confused with the thoughts of himself and his brother running in his head. Our only hope is that Merewen can somehow get through to him.”

This is not what any of us wanted to hear. “But we cannot just sit here and wait to see what happens to her, we don’t know what he will do or where he will go. We might not be able to find Merewen or her us.” I cried. Haldir came over to me and held me tightly; I just succumbed to the emotions and collapsed to the floor.

Legolas was now crying softly, blaming himself for letting her go. I wish that I could soothe away those thoughts, but I myself was not sure if what I was to say would be true. Elrond never answered me. He did, however, accuse himself and left the room claiming that he needed Gandalf’s counsel, for Gandalf was more aware of this type of thing. He left us there in Merewen’s chamber, with our thoughts running amok in our minds. ‘Please be all right Merewen!’ was all that we could think.

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