Chapter Sixteen

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 The journey back to the castle was long and cumbersome. Xavier kept slipping in and out of consciousness, forcing Tom to have to carry most of the boy's weight on his own and slowing their trip. Avalon tried her best to help, but there wasn't much she could do other than offer words of encouragement to the brown-haired boy as he bit back tears each time they took another step forward.

When they finally reached Hogwarts, the entire castle was bustling with hundreds of students, professors, and Healers sent by the Ministry, all of them running around trying to transport the injured students to the Hospital Wing. Despite having a near-unconscious boy slung over his shoulder, Tom blended in amid all the chaos-- Xavier just another one of the students that had been struck in the attack.

He and Avalon moved quickly through the crowd, carrying Lestrange to the Hospital Wing as efficiently as they could, pushing past shocked students who had witnessed the attacks, as well as curious younger kids that had emerged from their dormitories at the sound of all the commotion ensuing as students returned from Hogsmeade. Word of the attack spread like a wildfire, nearly everyone informed of the mayhem within minutes of arrival.

The Hospital Wing was the busiest it had ever been-- nearly every bed was already occupied with another groaning student, Madam Bardot running around trying to help as many people as she could all at once. The poor woman looked aghast as she bolted from one hospital bed to the next, trying her hardest to focus on all the critically injured students.

Avalon spotted Renley Travers near the entrance, instructing the new arrivals and shouting over the chaos of the hospital. "If you are not critically hurt, please make your way to the Great Hall!" His eyes scanned the room and Avalon could tell the Head Boy had never seen quite so much destruction before. "All minor injuries will be taken care of in the Great Hall!"

Madam Bardot's eyes finally landed on Xavier, who at this point, was simply dead weight hanging atop Tom. She scurried over, her focus zoning in on the boy. "Dear Heavens..." she said under her breath. "Help him to the bed!" She motioned for Tom to follow her towards one of the only available beds in the room and the two of them gently sprawled Xavier on the mattress, making sure to keep his shoulder as steady as possible. "What happened?" she asked urgently.

"He was struck by some sort of jinx in his shoulder," Avalon replied. "I don't know which, but I think it may have broken some bones."

The Healer examined Xavier for a moment, holding her wand over him and whispering a few spells under her breath before she shook her head and sighed. "He didn't just break his bones, my dear. They are completely shattered."

"Will he be okay?" Avalon asked, worry ridden in her voice.

"He needs a lot of help," she admitted. "If the two of you are not injured yourselves, please clear out for the time being so I can focus on the students who need assistance," she said, motioning for Avalon and Tom to leave.

Avalon opened her mouth to object, refusing to leave Xavier's side. "Can I stay-"

"Miss Hendrix, I need you to leave room for those who must be here. If you and Mr. Riddle would, please exit the Hospital Wing. You can visit Mr. Lestrange later tonight."

Tom nodded and said, "Yes, Madam Bardot. Thank you for your help," before he grabbed Avalon's wrist and began pulling her towards the exit. She was about to yell at him and demand to be let go, but the sound of another student screaming shifted her attention.

Nott was being dragged out of the Hospital Wing, two professors having to hold him back as he tried to shove his way forward. "I need to be with her! Get off of me!" His forehead was bleeding down the side of his face, but he seemed to pay it no mind as he violently thrashed against the hold of the adults. Avalon followed his line of vision and noticed Rosalie lying in a hospital bed not too far away, unconscious with two Healers looming over her and hovering their wands as they tried to do their best to help her.

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