Chapter 12- letters part 1

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Dear father,
There is something I have to tell you. This is something that changes everything. Obviously mother loves you. But do you love her back? I know about what happened when you were in school. Mother set Narcissa and Lucius up taking away the one you truly loved. I do believe that he still has feelings for you. It's not too late. I have talked to my friend, Darcy, his daughter and she agreed that he still loves you. And if you are wondering about Narcissa just know she wants the best for Lucius. Do whatever you want with this information but just know I will support you in your decision. I know you are not happy now, but trying and find the tight at the end of the tunnel.
                                             ~love, your son.
"Take this to my father, and make sure my mother doesn't see it," I told my owl.

She flew off with the letter. I hope this was the right thing.

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