Chapter 30-the last battle part 1

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Tom Riddles POV

My plan is perfect. Lucius and his son, two of my most trusted followers in power.

What could possibly go wrong?

Draco's POV

"So we sneak into your manor in the middle of the night, and just stab him?" Harry questioned.

"For the last time yes. I know where he stays. All we need to do is find the dagger," I said.

"Okay but where do we get this dagger?" Harry asked.

"That's the problem, I don't know where it is," I answered.

"Can't we just hit him with the killing curse or stab him with a normal knife?" Harry questioned.

"No you idiot did you read up on Voldemort at all?" I asked skeptically.

"Yes?" He said in a very unconvincing voice.

"Do you think if you could just kill Voldemort with the killing curse or any old knife that he would be alive right now?" I said.

"That makes sense," Harry agreed.

"He used an ancient type of magic that regenerates him if he gets hurt that no one has been able to replicate. But during the ritual something went wrong and the magic hit a dagger he had near him. So that dagger is the only weapon that can kill him," I explained to Harry.

"Okay, how do we find it then?"

"Well when the dagger was created Voldemort tried to take it and destroy it. But it didn't work and the dagger disappeared. In its place was a prophecy," I said pulling out a copy.

"Where the sky meets the ground the dagger will be found. But don't come to late or it will be time to mate," Harry read aloud.

"That's so vague it could literally be anywhere! And what does mating have to do with the dagger?" Harry protested.

"That's why no one has found it yet, but I think I might know where it is," I told him.

"Where?" Harry asked.

"When the dagger disappeared it left a little symbol, it was of a tree and waterfall. Only Voldemort's most loyal followers know, that's why more people haven't looked for it," I said.

"So where do you think it is?"

"In the forbidden forest there is a clearing with a waterfall. That also just so happens to be one of the places unicorns come to mate with other unicorns," I said proudly.

He nodded, determination in his eyes.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah let's go get that dagger," I cheered jumping up from my spot.


"And you are positive we are going the right way?" Harry asked.

"Yes Harry it should be right around here," I responded pushing past a hanging vine.

Then the clearing came into view. It was magnificent! The water looked so pure and clean almost untouched by humans. The trees made a sort of canopy over our heads so you couldn't see the spot from above. But there was still enough light to see our surroundings.

"If it were any other circumstance I would ask you on a date here but I think we have more pressing matters," Harry joked.

"Harry this is no time for jokes we are trying to find the only weapon that can defeat the dark lord," I lectured.

"Yeah yeah, party pooper," he sighed.

I gave him a kiss on the nose.

"Date later, killing the dark lord now," I said not bothering to wait for a response.

I looked around some more to see if there was anything unusual, and there was. There looked to be a sort of monument behind the waterfall.

I grabbed Harry's hand and dragged him behind me as I made my way to the waterfall.

"You're going in first to see if it's safe!" I yelled pushing him through the waterfall.

I waited a second before Harry spoke.

"You might want to see this Draco," Harry whispered.

I walked through the waterfall as fast as I could trying not to get soaked.

I had walked into this sort of cave like place. It was dimly lit but even then i could see the dagger glowing. The tip of it was stuck in a rock.

"Yes! We found it!" I yelled excitedly.

"Yeah but we have a problem," Harry said.

He pointed to the base of the rock it was wedged in.

"Only the worthy can wield," I read.

"I already tried taking it out and it's stuck good with some kind of magic,"

"It's probably the same magic Voldemort used," I stated.

I pushed past Harry to look at the dagger. It was almost calling me. Telling me to touch it and take it out. I reached out without thinking and grabbed it.

I pulled out the dagger like it was stuck in butter.

"Well that's convenient," Harry laughed.

The dagger was beautiful. It had a gold handle and a single sapphire in the middle.

I looked up at Harry.

"Let's go kill a dark lord," I smirked and chuckled darkly.

A/N: hey lovelies, this story is almost over and I'm both excited and nervous. I never thought I would make it this far and have this many readers. Ima forever thankful for the support. But don't worry I will be making a new book and I have decided to do a royalty AU. Stay safe lovelies.

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