The Right Kind of Wrong (2)

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Chapter Two

Rose's concentration was interrupted by an all too familiar voice drawling behind her. With a heavy sigh, she turned around in her seat, raising an eyebrow up at Scorpius.

"Bit early to already begin hounding me for the day, Malfoy?"

She asked, turning back around and taking sip of her Pumpkin Juice. It had been like this for the past few years at Hogwarts, the constant badgering. Scorpius made it his personal mission to get to Rose, and she had to admit he was doing an admiral job, she just chose not to show it. She had gotten used to the presence of Scorpius over time, and she even felt that deep down if he decided to stop, she may find that she would miss it, but she would never let him know that. Not unless she wanted to be a laughing stock for not only him, but her family as well. No, Rose put up a good front and played along with Malfoy for the fun of it.

* * * * *

Scorpius smirked. "I wouldn't call it hounding, Weasle-bee. Considering that I'm merely asking a question," he said with a raised eyebrow. It is true that he's just asking a simple question. But it's also true that he always badger her. He can't help it. It's like, it was programmed or it's in his genes to bother her. Even though she doesn't always show her annoyance, he has been so used to it that he knows she just doesn't show it. But frankly, it just takes one look in her eyes to know how much irritated she is of him.

He grinned. Both of them have been neck and neck in their grades from their first year in Hogwarts. Everybody knows that. But despite the fact that they're both the cleverest in their year, they never work well together.

"Or are you so busy studying in the hope of surpassing me in the OWL exams?" he asked, with a crooked smile. He chuckled lightly. "We both know that's never going to happen. But I've noticed, Weasle-bee, that I don't study as much as you do, and yet we always end up having the same grade in every subject? That makes me think that what if I actually study for the OWL exams?"

Now that he thought about it, why not? But then....

"Nah," he decided, more to himself. "I don't have to prove to you how I can surpass you easily. It's not worth my time."

He shrugged, as though it wasn't really worth his time. He turned his back on Rose as if he just wasted his time talking to her. And he started walking away from the Gryffindor table.

* * * * *

"Don't be too over confident, Malfoy. It just could be your down fall."

Rose said, not looking up. She glanced out of the corner of her eye and noticed he was walking away from her. She arched an eyebrow. No body walks away from Rose Weasley. Rose felt a slight disappointment as she watched him walk away. As much as he sometimes annoyed her to no end, Rose knew that her life wouldn't be quite the same without Scorpius' constant hobby of getting to her. She probably wouldn't feel as challenged without him constantly reminding her of the competition between them either.

"Giving up so soon? Tsk, tsk, tsk...Thought Malfoy's never quit."

Rose called after him, a smirk appearing across her delicate features. If that didn't get a bit of a rise out of him, she didn't know what would.

* * * * *

Scorpius laughed with what she said. But he still kept walking. Ha! He wanna see how irritated she can get with him ignoring her. Since, people with an intellect such as hers, hates being ignored. He knows that because he's like that.

"Giving up so soon? Tsk, tsk, tsk...Thought Malfoy's never quit." Rose said.

Scorpius stopped. He looked over his shoulder, at Rose. She was smiling confidently. She looked as though she've won. He cannot help but smile.

"How can I quit when I haven't even started?" he asked her, tilting his head slightly. "Your ways of provoking me are really sad, Weasle-bee."

It's all he know to do with Rose. He's enjoying himself so much fighting with her. Odd, but nonetheless fun. Of course, it doesn't go below the belt. They're much too clever for that. But challenge have always been their thing. Theirs. It's weird sharing a thing with Rose.

"Better luck next time, I guess?" he said, shrugging. He cannot remove the grin on his face as he continued to walk. He wondered if Rose is too hyper this morning to follow him. Probably not... But who knows? One can only hope...

End of Chapter Two

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