Chapter 1

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Hey everyone here is the first chapter of this story. I hope you all enjoy it. So I don't remember if I gave Rei a hero name so from now on it's going to be Winter.

So I will be swapping USJ and the Hero vs Villain training.


Time Skip 4 years:

No One's POV:

Four years have passed since Izuku Yagi had his mental breakdown, and left with the Symbol of Evil, All For One. No one has heard or seen him since.  The Yagi household was in shambles, but each person had a different reason to being upset. Inko was upset for how she treat her son, and not being the mother she promised herself she would be. Nariko was depressed knowing that she basically drove her own brother away. Even after going through extremes to help her, she still drove him away for something he had no control over. Toshinori was probably one least affected by the idea of his own son running away, and more infuriated that he left with the person who killed his mentor. The other households were in a similar state as the Yagi's. For the Bakugou's it was high tension. Masaru, and Matsuki didn't know what to feel as they both loved the boy as a child, but once they heard about his quirk they practically gave up on him. They didn't treat him wrong, but they didn't try to help him with his problems. Katsuki was ecstatic for the most part knowing that Inari and Ochaco will finally look at him more, but he was concerned about the fact that Izuku's quirk appeared. Mai was the most devastated out of them all. She never liked hurting Izuku, but she didn't know what else to do. With her brothers constant forcing and badgering for her to join in made it easier to just comply than fight back. The Todoroki household was pretty much the same. Enji started to throw himself into his work more, but still tried to be their for everyone. Shoto, like Katsuki, was happy that Nariko was going to be able to get closer. Inari was like Mai in every way seeing how Shoto pressured her into joining so that he can get with Izuku's sister, while he tried to get her closer to Katsuki. The only Todoroki that was completely crushed by Izuku's disappearance was Rei. She always saw Izuku as another son, and was the only one that tried to take care of him when everyone else abandoned him. She spent the next couple weeks after his disappearance locked up in her room crying, not talking or eating, but crying. Once she started to come out of her room she, Enji tried to get her to interact with their friends, but always resulted in her chewing out everyone for being awful people. The Uraraka family was completely divided on the matter with Rin not caring about what happens to Izuku, Mako acting like Mitsuki, and Ochaco in complete denial of all the events.

The last four years went by slowly for all of them, but in the end all the kids had finally graduated from high school. Now they were prepping for U.A. University entrance exams, studying and training with all their parents in different scenarios. The only problem was that their training time was being cut down day by day due to the rise of a villain. No one knew who they were or why they do what they do. Attacking both hero's and villains, but not just maiming but straight up killing them with seemingly no reason. He was being named the Laughing Reaper, Death Incarnate, but his most popular name is Insanity. On top of that a seemingly new celebrity started rising as well. No one knows their name, and all that is known of them is that they run a high tech company called I.Z.M Technologies. Supposedly the company has produced multiple produces ranging from hero support gear, to advance medicines for people suffering from quirk based diseases, and many other advance produces. In the short span of four years of it coming to the scene it became a company that all wealthy families wanted to buy into. Many families trying to figure out who the C.E.O. is so that they could try to get their children to marry into it.

Nariko's POV:

I woke up from bed to the warmth of the sun hitting my face, and the sound of the birds chirping outside my window. I slowly sit up, rubbing my eyes, and stretching my arms and back. Once I was awake enough, I crawled out of my bed into the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. I finish up my morning routine, and put on my school uniform.

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