Chapter 3

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Hey everyone! Coming at you with another chapter with a lunatic hero in training. So some one brought up the idea of adding Nejire amongst Izuku's lovers, and I don't mind the idea. The thing is if I do add her, I would probably just end up making this into a small harem story. I have one other I would be adding with it being Midnight because I feel that with Izuku's problems with his actual mother her would have some sort of mother complex. Not like an Oedipus complex because she's not his biological, but I can make her a mother figure that with his warped past thinks he needs to 'please' her so she doesn't hurt him like Inko. I also would also like to add one more to make it a flat five, but I will leave it up to you all who you want in the story. I won't add Toga because her place as Izuku's younger sister is already cemented. Anyone else is on the table from girls from Class 1-A or B, Pro Heros, or if you all want to make your own OC I can add them. If you go with an OC as your choice please give a somewhat decent description on looks, personality, and quirk. 


Next Morning (U.A. Dorms):

No One's POV:

The day started like any other for the students of class 1-A as they all woke up, and started their daily routines. They all showered, brushed their teeth, ate breakfast, and were now hanging out in the main common room. Nariko and her friends all gathered at the counter trying to figure out their feelings towards Izuku. Momo was sitting on the couch reading her book, and Rumi was sitting in a recliner watching t.v. while trying to hide her neck. The others were around the room talking, and getting ready for training today. The only one that wasn't present was the neighborhood psychopath, and his non-presence didn't go unnoticed.

Iida: "Where's Midoriya?" He asked with a little concern in his voice.

Kirishima: "Didn't Aizawa-sensei say something about him needing to be somewhere at eight?" He looked over at Iida who immediately remembered.

Iida: "Ah that's right. I just think he should be watched at all times." He said sternly. Some of the other students agreed with him, but a few were indifferent.

Mina: "I have to agree." She said with a worried look.

Katsuki: "Don't worry about the piece of shit. He'll disappear again, and if I get the chance he'll disappear for good." He smiled, but it was contorted and nasty.

Rumi: "Very hero like of you." She said with sarcasm dripping from her voice.

Mai: "You got a problem Usagiyama?" She said a little harshly.

Rumi: "No, but I think your little click does. All you do is complain about Izuku, and whether or not he'll forgive you." She says standing up from the chair before sizing up the shorter blond then turned to the taller blond who, while still pissed, looked a little flushed. "In your case, it's whether or not you, the walking definition of narcissism, and your friend the with a bi-polar disorder for a quirk, are going to kill him or not." Both Katsuki and Shoto were taken back while some of the other students were shocked at the disrespect coming from Rumi.

Iida: "Usagiyama! There is no need for that kind of talk!" He yelled chopping his hands. Rumi just turned to him with a dead look in her eyes.

Rumi: "Shut it rip off Flash." She turns back to the group while Iida just faints from the blatant disrespect. "Then theirs's you three." She turned towards Nariko, Mai, and Inari. "All the bitching, and moaning about forgiveness, and how you all are horrible people. We get it. You all suck."

Aizawa: "Ok that's enough." Out of a dark corner of the common room came Aizawa with his usual sleep deprived hobo look on his face. "Listen up, you all along with class 1-B are to get changed, and meet up at training ground gamma. You got 15 minutes."

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