Chapter 8 - Auden and Aria

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"Who in the absolute fuck is 'L'?" Scarlett retorted.

I turned to her. "Just some creep, I don't know. I'll just block his number."

Blocking the number seemed to be a bit of a closure to me, because I knew it was Liam, and Liam wasn't smart enough to figure out a blocked number.

"Speaking of other problems, go talk to Brandon." Scarlett said.

"But you said-"

"He's sensitive obviously, just go talk to him now and get it over with."

I walked slowly down to the guest house- our house.

Brandon was sitting on our bed, reading our favorite poet.

"Auden kind of night, huh?" I say jokingly.

"Listen, Callie, you could've just said you weren't one hundred percent in love with the name."

"Well, it's not that I didn't like it. It's just that Aria is so creative, and well, Easton doesn't." I say nonchalantly.

"Yeah, I guess this is what we get for trying to choose baby names so early, huh?"

I laughed and hopped on the bed with him. Brandon stroked my stomach lovingly, while I just stared up at his chocolate brown eyes.

"So should we think of more E names? Or do you want to change the E into some other letter?" Brandon cooed.

"Well, the only other E name that I like is Ezra. But Aria and Ezra were a couple, so that's kind of awkward don't you think?"

He nodded and began thinking.

"Well, in Pretty Little Liars, Aria's brother's name was Mike, short for Michelangelo." I suggest.

"Can we not take any more names from Pretty Little Liars?"

I frown and we keep brainstorming.

"How about Lennon, as in John Lennon?" Brandon asked.

"Well, I like that, but that's more of a girl name."

"What about Jay or Jayson? You know from The Great Gatsby?"

"I like that. But we really don't need to find out tonight." I replied.

"Wait. What about Auden? He's our favorite poet, and it's a great girl or boy name." Brandon suggested quickly before I walked out the door.

"That's great. Like Gatsby great." I laughed.

Auden. What a pretty name, or a handsome name.

But his middle name could be Jay! We could also change Aria's middle name too!

Auden Jay Foster and Aria Daisy Foster.


"I really like those names you guys. They're very unique and it's something both of you compromised on. I'm proud of you two." Lena, Stef, Alison and Taitlyn went around the table and kissed each of our heads.

It was breakfast time, and we were discussing our new and finally final baby names. No more changing these babies names or they'll probably end up with personality disorder.

We we're all sitting down enjoying our morning, when Alison had a confused look scorched upon her face.

"Can anyone else see that this 'boy' baby has a clitoris?" Alison questioned.

"Mother! Not while we're eating!" Scarlett said, disgusted by her language at the dinner table.

Stef, Lena, Taitlyn and Brandon huddled around Alison to look closer at our little baby boy.

"Well, if I'm not seeing things, then we may have mistaken this baby for a boy instead of a girl. Callie, Scarlett, Lena and Brandon, can you guys hurry and get ready so I can take you guys to the clinic to check this baby out. We may be able to get you a 3D ultrasound to find this out, and this one is on the house." Alison rushed.

How do you just mistake a baby BOY for a GIRL?


"So, it seems that baby Aria, under the ribs, is doing completely fine with development, but the baby in plain sight seems to be smaller than baby Aria. That's why we didn't catch this beforehand." Alison explained thoroughly.

"Well, how can you mistake a penis for a vagina anyway?" Scarlett blurted, and everyone stared at her.

"What? We're not at the table." Scarlett shrugged as her mom answered the question.

"Sometimes the clitoris can be swollen on a baby girl in the womb, mistaking the baby to be a boy. Since this baby is behind development, we can now clearly see from the 3D ultrasound that this baby does indeed have a vagina. So, we're having two baby girls."

"Well, Auden is still a pretty girl name. I just don't think we can have the middle name as 'Jay' anymore." Brandon breathed deeply.

"Aria's middle name is Daisy now, correct?" Taitlyn asked.

"Yes, after Daisy Buchanan." I answered proudly.

"Well, do you two like Harry Potter?" Lena asked.

"Yeah, we love those movies!" Brandon and I answered in unison.

"We can give Auden a middle name like Lily, Harry Potter's mom. Plus, Daisy and Lily are both flowers." Taitlyn suggested.

I started to tear up.

"What's wrong Cal?" Scarlett calmed.

"We finally found the perfect names."

After an emotional celebration, we headed home to fix up Auden's side of the nursery.


We kept everything up on Auden's side besides the bats. Replacing the bats with the butterflies would make the side more girly.

The other sparkly 'A' was put up on the wall, replacing the big grey 'E' on the wall.

Auden Lily Foster and Aria Daisy Foster. Our perfect little girls; in just four to three months, we would be holding them and caring for them.

Man, I couldn't wait to be a mom.

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