Chapter 2 - Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble

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The rest of this story is in Callie's Point of View.

There we lay. Wrapped in each other's arms, enjoying the moment, and then we remembered we were experiencing 'the morning after'.

Sex with Brandon was amazing. It wasn't awkward, it wasn't weird. It was like we'd been together for a long time, and that's how I liked us to be.

I sat there, my head on his chest, his breaths slow and steady, softly cradling me in his big, strong arms. He was like fire, and I was like ice; we were complete opposites, but opposites always seem to attract. This felt so right, it was almost wrong.

I felt Brandon stretch, "Good morning, beautiful." Brandon smiled bright and wide. He kissed my forehead lovingly.

"Morning," I replied.

Brandon sat up. "Callie, what does this mean?"

I sat confused. "What does what mean?"

"This, us."

"What do you mean? I'm sitting here with you right now aren't I?" I pondered.

"Well, it's just that, if we're a 'couple', my mom's would not be too happy."

I bit my lip. "Well we haven't even been on a date yet."

"We could today. And if you feel this is right, then we're official." Brandon assured.

I smiled. "That sounds perfect."

He pecked me on the lips before we got up to change and put some actual clothes on.


"Stop yelling!" Mariana screeched, holding her head in her hands.

"I'm not yelling, Mariana. Just take an aspirin." Jesus whispered. Jude was sitting at the table, minding his own business.

"Could you guys just be civil for once? I mean seriously, I know Mariana has a hangover but Jesus please just be careful not to kill your sister while we're gone today. And keep an eye on Jude!" Brandon explained to the fighting twins before me.

Brandon turned to me and mirrored my smile, "You look beautiful today."

"Thanks. And you look incredibly handsome yourself." I shot back. He kissed my forehead and continued getting breakfast.

The twins stared at us.

"Staring is rude you know." Brandon chuckled.

"Okay what the hell did I miss here?" Jesus jolted.

"Yeah, what the hell? Our mom's are going to freak." Mariana interjected, still holding her ice pack to her head.

Brandon pulled the twins in and whispered to them our little secret, respecting the fact that my little brother is in the room with us.

Mariana and Jesus' eyes went wide.

"You what?" The twins boomed in unison.

"Mom and Lena can't know about this. Not yet." Brandon got the twins to calm down.

"You used protection right?" Mariana asked nervously.

"Yeah it's fine. I used birth control." I interjected.

Mariana gave me a look of concern, "You're gonna get pregnant with your luck. You better watch yourselves."

"She's not going to get pregnant." Brandon assured cautiously.


Brandon and I walked back up onto the porch. It was almost ten, Jude should be in bed by now, so we're being cautious not to wake anyone.

"I can't believe you wiped out!" I laughed.

Brandon hugged me, "I know, but I got back up after you taught me properly."

"Hey, at least you had a fantastic instructor." He chuckled and pulled me in for a kiss.

When we came up for air, I was sure of my answer.

"Yes." I answered.

Brandon looked confused, "Huh?"

"I'll be your girlfriend."

He smiled and embraced me.

"But how are we going to tell Lena and Stef?"

"Well, it was okay for the Cullen's to date their 'siblings' wasn't it?" Brandon remarked, making me giggle.

And with that, we headed into the living room to find Jesus, Mariana and Jude watching 13 Going On 30.

"Want to join us?" Jude asked politely.

"Of course, Squirt." I squeezed my little brother and tuned into the movie.


I stood in the bathroom, staring down at the box in my hands.

"I'll be waiting out here okay?" Mariana comforted from outside of the bathroom door in our house.

"Alright." I replied shakily.

One minute goes by. I feel steady and still. I'm ready for this.

Two minutes go by. How do I expect to feel? What if this thing is positive? Stef and Lena were going to kick me and Jude out and disown Brandon for sure.

Three minutes go by. Lena may accept it, Stef sure won't though. I feel like Stef is seriously going to kick my ass. I mean, I love Stef, and I love how she treats Jude, but I know she isn't that fond of me and this situation sure isn't going to help me in anyway.

Four minutes go by. I mean, even if I am pregnant, they aren't just going to kick me out, right? They have bigger hearts than that. If they we're nice enough to take me in, and Jude, they couldn't have the heart to kick us out, could they?

Five minutes go by. Halfway though this torture. I should start thinking happy thoughts. I always wanted children, but now? I'm not so sure for right at this moment.

Six minutes go by. What if we have a little girl? I would love to have a little girl.

Seven minutes go by. But I can't really picture myself having a girl. Maybe it'll be a little boy. And he'll look just like Brandon, and he'll be able to teach him how to play the piano…

Eight minutes go by. But I do want a little girl. One that looks like me and Brandon. One that'll have Brandon's drive and my skin tone.

Nine minutes go by. But it's not set yet that we're even pregnant. And I mean seriously, we had sex once, three months ago. If I was pregnant I think I probably already would've known already.

Ten minutes. Times up.

Mariana barges in, "So what is it?"

We stare down at the little pink sign.

"We're having a baby…"

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