Chapter 5 - How Many?

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"All I'm saying is that Callie looks a little too big to be having one kid. There's either a really big baby in there, or there's two fetuses' in her stomach." Scarlett argued.

Our family and the Brennan's have been hanging out nonstop for the past three weeks. Taitlyn and Lena get along really well, while Alison and Stef casually talk like they have seen each other every day for the past twenty years.

Chance and Jude are always playing video games up in their rooms, while Jesus hangs out with little Sophia and Brandon. Sophia has really taken a liking to the boys.

Scarlett and I have become fairly close. We hang out whenever we get the chance, and Mariana hangs out with us as well. Apparently, Mariana and I are pretty good friends now that I'm having her baby niece or nephew.

Niece or nephew, daughter or son, granddaughter or grandson. I was always thinking about that. I don't understand how some mother's can go through the whole nine months without knowing the gender of their unborn child.

Brandon and I have thought of two names for each gender that have fit; Addison or Addalyn for a girl, and Jackson or Bentley for a boy. I was leaning toward Addalyn and Jackson, while Brandon wanted Addison and Jackson. He was also hanging onto the name Bentley, but I told Brandon that Bentley kind of sounded weak, like our son would be a weak little kid who wouldn't be able to stand up for himself. I also didn't like the nickname Ben or Benny.

Brandon and I are having a lot of trouble figuring out names for our child.

The Foster's and the Brennan's had been fighting for about an hour over my belly size. At twenty weeks, finally half way through the pregnancy, my belly was surprisingly larger than a lot of pregnant woman's at this stage of the pregnancy.

"I mean, although your appointment is tomorrow Callie, we do have an opening for today at five if you want to see what's up with your belly now. And, being your doctor and friend, I would like to see what's going on in there now." Alison stated.

I nodded vigorously. "I want to see if there's something wrong with my baby."

Brandon put his hand around my waist. "Yeah, I think we should find out what's going on. This whole situation is making me anxious."

"It's okay, babe. Let's go guys." I assured.

We were only allowed to have three guests in there at a time, five including Brandon and I. We all piled into Lena's car while the Brennan's followed us to the clinic.


It was Brandon, Stef, Lena, Scarlett and I in the room all at once with our families waiting out in the waiting room. Alison was prepping the machine and shaking the bottle of blue goop that was about to be on my large, swollen belly.

Ms. Brennan poured the gel onto my stomach and played around with the wand from the machine.

"Well there's the heartbeat…" Alison pondered.

"Aww Callie it's so adorable." Scarlett squealed.

Lena and Stef had tears in their eyes, looking at their beloved grandchild.
"It's beautiful, honey." Stef rubbed my shoulder while hugging Lena.

"So, what are we having?" Brandon asked.

"It's a boy, congratulations." Alison said with a monotone.

Her face was scrunched, obviously thinking, or looking for something inside my womb.

"I-is there something wrong? Please tell me there's nothing wrong." I started to panic.

"No, there's nothing wrong." Alison assured eyes wide.

"Wait, what's that under Callie's ribs?" Lena mentioned.

"Umm, I'm not sure." Alison was still looking at the blob. It looked similar to another child, but it couldn't be. It just couldn't be.

There it was sure enough. Two heartbeats.

"See here, under her ribs-"Alison started. Everyone looked and nodded willingly, "-is another baby."

"Wait, so like twins?" Brandon was about to faint along with Stef, and Lena and Scarlett were just shocked.

"I told you that there was no way that belly was holding just one baby!" Scarlett clapped. Well, at least she was excited about the twins.

"So what is it? What's the gender?" I asked anxiously.

Alison smiled. "You're having a boy and a girl. Congrats on fraternal twins."

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