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Will you still love me
When I'm no longer young and beautiful

Joe was in the bathroom, turning the jacuzzi on and letting the water fill and warm up. He'd even gone a step further and added some scented bubbles, they usually just showered to save time and get to bed quickly but Steven had really given his best today, it was one of those nights were the guitarist just stayed surprised at how the other could keep his range at this age. Back in the room though Steven sat on the bed with his robe on, a sigh leaving his lips as he heard the water fill up the tub, he knew what Joe was doing and it was nice to think of being able to hold the other in the water. As he stood to make his way to the bathroom the mirror caught his eye, his makeup was off, his wrinkles were obvious, the tire in his eyes, the skinny figure under his robe, all of it captivated him and made a pit grow in his stomach as he heard his lover call to him from the bathroom.

They had seen each other grow, they'd spent their entire life together, why did it still shame him to show him his aging body? He had gotten surgeries to reduce the effects of aging, a way to try and cope with the fact that he didn't like his body, Joe had told him that it was not necessary, he had always found him handsome but those words just didn't seem like truth in Steven's mind. "Steven? You good?"  He heard once again from the bathroom, snapping out of his thoughts he looked away from the mirror and silently walked into the bathroom. Joe was simply covered by a towel around his waist, he was such a skinny mad, always was, his waist always smaller than his, his chest and stomach always flatter than his own. "Well aren't you romantic" the singer teased as he eyed the water and the bubbles forming. He couldn't say that he wasn't excited to jump in immediately both Joe and him loved the water, they made it their goal to visit the beach or a lake at least twice every year so this was definitely a nice detail.

A smirk grew on his lips subconsciously as he saw the other throw the towel aside and expose his naked body briefly before submerging into the welcoming warm water. With a shiver running down his spine Steven finally let down his robe and joined his lover in the tub. Their bodies were like magnets automatically attracting one another and pulling each other close. Silently they held on to one another, Joe's head resting peacefully on Steven's chest as they let the silence of the room sink in. After a loud night of rock n roll Steven had to admit that it was nice to have a quiet resting period with his lover. The singer was gone, once again, in thought nothing in particular this time when he suddenly felt it. Lips, soft kisses, tracing their way up his chest and to his crook of his neck. A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he opened his eyes and let his hands slither up the guitarist's back to trace lazy circles. The kisses on his neck began to change to sucking, dark marks of love being planted on him, and suddenly legs straddled him. His muscles tensed up, he knew what the other wanted, he'd never deny the other pleasure, usually it was the singer who would tease the other but the roles had reversed tonight it seemed. He'd welcome this change any other time but the sudden thought of his body, his aging body, hit him and when his lips connected with the other's nothing much had happened. What would usually be a passion filled kiss which would turn to intense and lustful shag didn't happen.

"Would you rather bottom tonight?" Joe asked, genuine concern in his tone as he got off the others lap and looked at him with those beautiful brown eyes that made Steven melt. A sudden wave of regret and embarrassment traveled through the singer's body as he shook his head no. Come on, get it together, he thought to himself. "Sorry, head in the clouds just thinking about the next show, ya know" Joe could always tell when the other was lying, he would stiffen up and give this smile that Joe knew was fake. Shaking his head the guitarist sighed as he sat besides the other and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "You know, I've been with you for almost 50 years or something, I can tell when you're lying. What's wrong?" Steven's face went red as he thought over what he felt. Silence filled the room as Joe awaited an answer from the other. "We can talk about it later, if you'd prefer" "thanks..."

The rest of the bath was mostly on the quiet side, gently they washed each other's hair, massaging their scalps and giving small kisses here and there. Steven refused to get out of the bathtub before Joe, which gave him an idea of what might be the issue, but he played it off as not wanting to get out of the water. Instead splashing the other with the remaining bubbles and laughing, that wide childish smile could fool anyone, it could make anyone believe him. It wasn't until Joe left the bathroom that the other got out, a towel around his waist and another on his head. Long hair could really be a hassle sometimes, but he looked good with his long brown locks, he had considered cutting it short like some of the other rockers his age but he had an image and he wasn't going to let that shatter that soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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