Make It Home

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That jump had given both boys such a rush and a sort of child like happiness. For the rest of the day they spent their time swimming, jumping from the tree, splashing each other, and exploring the lake. Once it began to get late though they recalled they had left their clothes on the cliff and if it got dark it would be impossible to find it. Rushing up the cliff once more, all wet and sandy, they managed to get dressed just before it got dark.

It's a miracle they made it to Steven's place that day, the only light was the occasional car lights or street lights left throughout the country side. "Ma, Joe is gonna stay here for the night, hope ya don't mind." Steven yelled out as he walked through the front door. A tired blonde woman came out of the kicthen to greet them, kissing both Steven and Joe on the cheek, "Joe does your mamma know you're staying over?" Like a respectful young boy would Joe answered in a quiet and polite voice, "no ma'am I was wondering if I could use your phone to call her." "Anytime, darling, you boys don't stay up too late. Steven you're still mowing the lawn tomorrow whether Joe is here or not." Rolling his eyes playfully the older boy nodded while the other held back a chuckle.

From his room Steven could hear Joe talking on the phone, "yes mom, yes I'm fine, thank you. Goodnight, I love you too...". It was weird how men could turn into little boys so quickly when in some sort of presence of their mothers. Closing his eyes Steven laid on the twin sized bed, his eyes closed, and waited. Walking through the door Joe immediately jumped on the other man and laughed as Steven pushed him off. A loud thump alerted his mother, "boys be quiet some of us are trying to sleep! Don't break a hole in my floor!" Once more laughter filled Steven's room, Steven soon joining Joe on the floor, they simply lay there laughing. It was odd how well they got along, they liked the same music, they loved to play, and were on their way to stardom together.

"So how we gonna do this? You get the bed I get the floor?" "Joe, let's be civil I can't let you have the floor. We are both skinny people I bet we can fit on the bed." Steven was sure Joe had been hesitant to sleep with him by the silence he received as a response which is why he had tried to take it back as fast as he could. "Or I mean not, it doesn't matter, sorr—" "no, no, it's fine. I don't care just don't hog all the blanket."

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