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"Steven, babe, we're here. Wake up" A soft voice called out to him. Eyes fluttered opened and saw him, a soft smile crept to Steven's lips as he slowly stood up from his seat. Joe was always a romantic, the singer was always jealous of how he was so sincerely in love with his girlfriends before they got together. The man was a perfect lover, he was the type of lover that gave you little gifts because they reminded him of you, cooked for you, talked out problems, and actually wanted to spend time with you. But there was one downside, he wasn't too physical at times, physical love such as hugs or kisses at random were mostly done by Steven but still Joe was perfect no matter what. A few muffled words to complain about how his body ached escaped the singer's mouth to which Joe only responded with a nod and a few, "yes, I know" "let's get you to bed" "you did great" just small remarks as he helped the man out the car and into to house.

Their house was quite nice, it was a sort of combination between some hippie and country style look. Opening the door both men were greeted by their pets, Bella, Butch Cassidy (Cas for short), Sundance Kid (Sunny for short), and the newest member Elvis. All four dogs rushing towards them demanding attention which both easily gave. Letting go of Joe's hand, Steven leaned down to grab two of the small dogs and Joe grabbed Elvis and Bella. The dogs were their children at this point, sure both men had their own children but these dogs were the children they both chose.

Of course, the press couldn't know that, to the outside world Steven was engaged to Aimee Preston and Joe happily married to Billie Perry. Although Joe and Billie had been married for a long time they had broken up the marriage privately 2000 after she found out that he was sneaking around with Steven. She couldn't be angry at him, she loved Joe and Joe loved her, their relationship stayed strong after their divorce. They shared the dogs, the kids were grown by now so they didn't have to worry about that, and as for social media well they just always took photos if they ever got together. It was lots of work to appear as a couple but they made it through.

"Ok pups down, time to sleep, go away now" Steven said once he reached the room, putting the excited pups down. They continued to surround his leg, licking and jumping on him. "Just leave em, you've got to shower man you really outdid yourself today, didn't even need even me to hit the guitar note on Crazy—" "Oh thank you, babe I just hope I didn't fuck up the vocal chords hitting that shit" The interruption amused Joe, even got a small chuckle out of it, but of course he had more to say as he couldn't just let the bastard stay on that high horse all night. "Well since we are on the subject of singing, you were a bit pitchy in Sweet Emotion". That earned the man a gasp from the singer and an amused frown. "Fuck off, like you didn't mess up the introduction to Saddle, you think I didn't hear that extreme bend to try and save the note"

Their little critics from the show went on for the while as they began to undress preparing to shower. They weren't a tidy pair, they were rockstars after all, their clothes were often just thrown on the floor and then picked up in the morning because they would feel bad for making the cleaning ladies do so much.

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