Hogwarts Bound

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Daisy Clara Drosselmeyer is a name well known in the wizarding world. Her grandfather is Drosselmeyer who has taken care of her since birth. She never got to know her parents and always wondered what happened to them. Her grandfather never gave her too much information, but only enough to ease her curious mind. She was always outgoing and loved to do anything. She mostly wondered around in the Frozen Forest because of it's beauty with the snow laying down on the trees. When she turned 11, her life changed and she found out about a whole new world she never knew existed.

Daisy's POV:

I was walking around the edge of the Frozen Forest when grandfather called me into the house. I quickly walked into the house since it sounded urgent. When I walked in, the servants took off my coat and scarf for me to hang up. I quickly thanked them and met my grandfather in the library where we always met for dinner. I walked in quietly so I don't disturb him. I walked to the table where the table sat in the middle of the library. "Good evening grandfather," I quietly said when I got to the table. I pulled out the chair that was across from him. "Good evening to you as well dear Daisy," he replied back. "What was it you needed?" I asked politely. "A letter came for you today and you will be pleased with what it says young one," he told me with a smile. I carefully took the letter from his fragile, hard working hands. Carefully i opened the envelope so I don't mess up the letter on the inside.

Gently, I pulled the letter out of the envelope and I read aloud, "Dear Daisy Drosselmeyer, we are pleased to tell you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the envelope you will find your train ticket and your supplies you will need for school. Please write us back when you can. Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall Deputy Headmistress." I was very confused with the letter since I never have heard or applied to a place known as Hogwarts. "Grandfather I'm very confused with this letter. I never heard nor applied to this school," I told him with a confused expression resting on my face.

"My dear granddaughter. We are wizards. You come from a long line of them. Your parents were wizards and so am I. We all went to Hogwarts to become powerful wizards and now you are the next generation of the Drosselmeyers to go to Hogwarts," he explained to me. I looked at him with a smile on my face knowing that I'll be making my parents and my grandfather proud if i go to Hogwarts. "I will gladly love to go there grandfather. I'll write them back letting them know I will be attending this year. May I be excused real quick to write them back before dinner?" I asked. My grandfather nodded and I got up to go to my room to write them back to let them know I will be attending this year.

*Time skip*

That night after dinner I laid in my bed thinking of what it will be like to go to Hogwarts. Maybe I'll find out who my parents were and get information from any of the professors who may have known them. I know grandfather gave me enough information to ease my curious mind, but my curiosity always returned like a boomerang. I needed to know who my parents were and what they were like before they tragically left my grandfather and I behind. Was it an accident or was it murder? I need to know, but I know the time will come when I will be able to know everything about them. I'll just have to keep my patience in order, even though it will be a difficult task, but in the end it will all be worth it. I hope.

The next day grandfather went to this place called Diagon Alley to get my school supplies. He told me that getting my wand would be the first thing on our agenda when we get there. Grandfather called for a carriage earlier so it'll be at the mansion when we were ready to leave. I wore a tea length white dress with a blue floral lace on it. I put my hair is a low bun and put my blue flats on. "Clara the carriage has arrived," grandfather called up the stairs. "I'll be down in a second grandfather," I yelled back to him. I look back into the mirror and seen the girl who will be going to a wizarding school. Who knew I would be a wizard? Yesterday morning I woke up not knowing I was a wizard and 24 hours later I'm getting supplies for a wizarding school. How bizarre is that? I snap back into reality and let out a sigh. I grab my satchel and head to the carriage. The coachmen helps me into the carriage where my grandfather awaits me. "Are you ready Clara?" he asks me. "No, but I will be."

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