Pt. 1 - Chapter 16 - The Man

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Ana sat through the night, waiting for the dwarves to wake as she sat whittling at a few sticks and making some arrows out of the feathers she found in the barn. They were just chicken feathers and the arrows were not the best she could have made, but they would do for now.

Thorin was predictably the first to wake. She had perched herself up in a window, looking out into the green field outside where Beorn's black and white ponies played in the early morning light.

"Have you spoken to our host?" Thorin asked.

"I think it best if Gandalf does the introductions."

"What reason exactly does this Beorn have to dislike you?"

"An unfortunate but necessary disagreement five years past." She stated as the others began to rise behind Thorin, Gandalf with them. They gathered around and began discussing their options.

"Well I say we should leg it. Slip out the back way." Nori offered which only angered Dwalin beside him.

"I'm not running from anyone, beast or no." Dwalin stated.

"There's no point in arguing. We cannot pass through the Wilderland without Beorn's help." Gandalf informed. "We'll be hunted down before we ever get to the forest."

"A distraction might get us through. Well... you all through..." Ana suggested.

"No." Gandalf stated back instantly. "You heard Azog. They want you alive."

"Why?" Kili asked.

"There are many ways to make an orc... many of them were once elves. Or maybe he knows who I am. They took my sister alive once... why not me?"

"Ah, Bilbo. There you are." Gandalf grinned. "Now this will require some delicate handling. We must tread very carefully. The last person to have startled him was torn to shreds. I will go first. Uh, Bilbo? You come with me."

"Oh- ah." Thorin jerked his head towards the door telling Bilbo to go. "Is this a good idea?" He asked.

"Yes. Now the rest of you, you just wait here... and don't come out until I give the signal."

"Right." Bofur nodded. "Wait for the signal."

"And no sudden moves or loud noises, and don't overcrowd him. Only come out in pairs."


"No, actually,, you count as two so you should come out alone." Gandalf's eyes drifted to the elf who had been slowly creeping her way to the back of the room.

"I think it might be best if I just... stay here."

"You're afraid." Kili stated.

"I am not." She defended right away as Gandalf's eyes narrowed.

"Right." He said. "Remember, wait for the signal."

"The signal. Right." Bofur nodded from up in the window, looking out to where Beorn chopped wood with a giant axe. "What signal would that be?" He asked and turned back over his shoulder to see Gandalf was gone.

They couldn't hear him outside, they were just too far for even Ana to hear unless they raised their voices. She had now retreated back near to the kitchen and Thorin was watching her carefully.

There was nothing for a long while until Bofur said "Go, go, go," and Dwalin and Balin ran out.

Another moment passed before he said again, "Go, go." Oin and Gloin left as Gloin said, "Right, that's us."

"What are you? A travelling circus?" Beorn's voice travelled inside as it rose a little in anger.

"Go." Bofur ordered.

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