Pt. 1 - Chapter 10 - Before Daybreak

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"Galadriel?" Gandalf asked, his brow furrowing lightly. He could not sense her power.

"No." Ana changed her mind, looking down in thought a moment. "Not here yet." Anariel whispered as Gandalf striaghtened slightly. He could see a blue swimming in her eyes as she looked up to meet his gaze. It was trying to light a spark. She could tap into if she chose... but she would not. "She approaches. I can feel her... growing closer. They travel with haste. She... they, I don't know." She explained quickly with a shake of her head. "Perhaps she is alone." Anariel whispered in doubt. Only her mother could she sense like this and sometimes on very rare occasions other beings like Gandalf or Elrond; ones of great power, but only to a much lesser extent. She shook her head and the blue faded entirely before she looked back to her old friend with clear eyes, the spell that had taken hold of her faded and gone.

With it faded the lights around her, unknowing to Anariel that it had been her that made them burn brighter for a moment and not her mother's proximity.

"You're sure?" Gandalf asked.

Her eyes drifted down to a ring on Gandalf's hand. Narya; one of the three elven rings given to him for safe keeping upon his arrival in Middle Earth. It was gold with a ruby red centre. It was the Ring of Fire and it allowed its wearer to resist tyranny, domination and despair. The elven rings were not incorruptible, but they all held a level of protection and the ability to conceal its wearer from danger. She had learned to recognise their calls long ago having grown up around Galadriel's ring; Nenya, the Ring of Adamant and of water. Elrond held Vilya the Ring of Air. They were not weapons of war but tools to help preserve and protect the lands of the elves, but they did speak to one another. And it could sense the other approaching. It was as if it spoke to her; whispering it's secret through elven magic. Gandalf, although wearing the ring, unable to hear as if it's sister ring was being conducted by its own wearer Galadriel to warn her daughter.

"Quite." She stated simply.

The dwarves felt that something was not right in her posture, but they got that sense a lot with her and shrugged it off. Only Thorin, the old and wise Balin and the ever observant Fili could see that something had transpired between her and the wizard who huffed slightly in frustration and grit his teeth a little tighter.

"I shall find a place to wait for her arrival." Gandalf said and walked off. He wished she'd use her abilities more, he wished she'd try and hone them, tame them, control them more and not push them back and suppress them, crushing them down in fear of... well, no one really knew what she feared. Not even Anariel in truth. She had an understanding of why, but not exactly. It was like this hovering, fleeting feeling in her gut that there was something there she should fear. Something she should not dive into. Something better left in the dark.

"Your mother?" Dori's voice asked as she turned back to the dwarves and away from the figure of a retreating Gandalf. "Is that bad?"

"Our mother rarely has much good to say to me." Nori spoke with a joke in reply to his brother; he was an exceptional troublemaker.

Ana smiled sweetly at the dwarves. "We elves are immortal and our patience great. I highly doubt my mother has travelled from Lorien to say hello without waiting for our next meeting blessed by the fates. She has been summoned or she delivers a message of something she has seen or felt. News of good tidings are never so urgent as those of bad."

"Then why do you not go with Gandalf?" Dwalin asked.

"The White Council of the Guardians of Middle Earth is not a place I find myself welcome."

"The guardians of Middle Earth." Thorin said in mock almost sounding angry at the idea. There were no dwarves at the council of course and he did not like the way the elves thought they governed all.

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