Pt. 1 - Chapter 15 - The Beast

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The party had been running all through the night and had now made camp amongst some rocks in the Misty Mountains. They had gotten a few nights rest, but the orcs were catching up. The dwarves stood around, trying to be as silent as they could manage while the elf did her best to concentrate, but she could not see through stone nor would her hearing allow her to clearly hear over the ridges, but something wasn't quite right. There was an uneasiness in the air.

"They're out there." Anariel said, looking over her shoulder and back down the pathway between the rocks they had come from.

"How close?" Thorin asked.

"They're closer than you think, Thorin. They've caught up fast. Faster than I ever thought they would... but I can't say for sure. Bilbo." She turned on the hobbit who poked his head out from behind Bifur and Bofur. "Up there, you see those rocks."


"Climb them. Tell us what you see."


"I would, but the breeze is not on our side and the scent of a hobbit is still foreign to them. They are tracking Dwarf."

"Ah, but you're an elf." Bilbo exclaimed as she gave him a stern look and his smile dropped.

"She is right, it must be you." Gandalf stated. "I chose you, Bilbo Baggins, to be our burglar for a reason."

Bilbo's teeth set together, but he left all the same. Anariel stood standing in the entrance to the pathway as he left and there she remained, waiting for his return as the dwarfs shuffled around behind her. They did not speak, but their rumbling stomachs might just give them away. The light steps of the wizard stopped beside her, but she did not turn to meet his gaze, only continued to look to where Bilbo had left.

"We could do with a good nights rest somewhere." Anariel said, staring down the passage. "Where it's safe. No one has slept through the night since we left Rivendell and no sleep this past evening will begin to wear down on them. They're hungry and so am I for that matter, can't imagine what they feel like."

"There is a place."

"If you're suggesting what I think you are... I would not be too sure."

"We may have little choice."

"You have never met Beorn. You only know of him through tales... I have met the man. He is no friend of dwarves and my last meeting with him did not end so pleasantly."

"What do you mean?"

She did not answer, her attention grew elsewhere as a look of concern crossed her face. "He's out there." She said barely audible before Bilbo came around the corner and quickly, but silently padding over to them.

"How close is the pack?" Thorin asked as he and the others began to crowd around.

"Too close. A couple of leagues, no more. But that's not the worst of it." Bilbo explained.

"Have the wargs picked up our scent?" Dwalin wondered.

"Not yet, but they will do. We have another problem."

"Did they see you? They saw you!" Gandalf exclaimed.

"No, that's not it." Bilbo shook his head.

"What did I tell you; quiet as a mouse. Excellent burglar material." Gandalf smiled proudly as all the dwarves smiled and nodded back in return happily while Bilbo grew ever more impatient.

"Will you just... listen." He spoke louder this time, silencing them all. "I'm trying to tell you, there is something else out there."

"You saw him?" Anariel whispered as Bilbo turned on her.

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