16| Copine | 여자 친구

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Hyorin smiles strangely at Shinhye as she sat down at the table, singing under her breath. She's rarely in such an amazing mood, so she is a little bit confused. But she just leaves it be, coming from the side to sit next to her.

Shinhye was beyond excited and happy and she had a burst of emotions in her brain. The amount of dopamine and adrenaline secretion was immense.

They ordered the food - Pan seared salmon, creamy pesto shrimp, and Matcha Tiramisu.

As the waiter went to get the food, Shinhye finally spoke up, "Hyorin, I want to ask you something." Shinhye wanted to be loud but it came out as a whisper.

"Sure. Go on," said Hyo as she patiently waited for Shinhye to ask her what she wanted to ask.

Shinhye was fidgeting with her nails when she finally looked up and said, "Ever since I first laid eyes on you, I knew one thing. I knew that I would never again see somebody so damn perfect. But since then, those feelings of attraction grew.

It grew and grew until I couldn't hold it in anymore. Then we started seeing each other, and I was happier than I could ever tell you. Our relationship grew up as we did, and about months ago you spilled your kool-aid on me, and you kept apologizing even if it wasn't your fault and you've tried to help me in every way possible and it clicked for me.

I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. So, that's it. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I wanted to ask the question that I feared for so long. Ms. Song Hyorin, will you be my girlfriend?" asked Shinhye as she looked almost on the verge of crying. She was chewing at her lips and looked up at Hyorin.

Hyorin, on the other hand, was beyond anxious. The question had knocked the air out of her and the soft music, playing in the restaurant was the only sound as she waits for her answer. Hyo took a moment to process it, tears stinging her eyes as she stumbles forward.

"It's a thousand times yes for me. The pickup lines that I sent you every day were exactly how I feel about you. There was never a moment that I stopped thinking about you, even when you were not there with me. If it was not for you, I'd probably fail English. I like you so much and yes, I'll be your girlfriend. You are free to change your Facebook relationship status from 'It's complicated' to 'In a relationship' now." said Hyorin as she leaned in for a kiss.

Her whole body tingled, the feel of his frame leaning on hers as her arms wrapped around her felt nearly forbidden. She pulled her in, claiming her mouth again, hungry and intense, until her knees gave in. By the time Hyorin became aware of her fingers, they had already slipped on her neck, her skin smooth and radiating heat.

As if time had stopped right there, as they stood propped against Hyorin's chair, glued to one another. As if no one else existed and there was no risk of her friends watching the show from the front seat, right in front of them. And for Shinhye, as if she'd never been shy, to begin with.

"Mhm," Jinwoo cleared his throat. "We're totally going to ignore that happened right now? Ok noted." he smiled as he received a slight nudge on his biceps from the female next to him.

"A poor salmon died just for y'all to makeout and not eat it. I've been so hungry, the food is on the table, can we eat?" asked Jinwoo as he was waiting to dig in.

"Sure," said Shinhye as she tasted the cherry lip balm and some saliva on her lips. Nothing could replace that taste ever.

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