14| Préparation | 예비

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The distance from Gwangju to Seoul was a mere 237km. Shinhye thought it would be best to use the train, mostly because she wanted to propose to Hyorin the same day that she reached and she wanted to look good for her. She didn't want to carry dark circles and eye bags when she proposed to Hyo.

So there she was at the Gwangju station boarding her train with all her luggage and suitcases when she received a text message from Hyo. Just as she expected, it was another pickup line.

It read, "Not even Snape could Severus apart." Another Harry Potter themed pickup line and honestly, Shinhye was here for it.

The train journey was long enough. After a tiring 2hours and 22 minutes later, she finally reached Seoul.

One thing that she didn't tell Hyorin was that she was going to come to Seoul today.

As the classes commenced, she called out Hyemi. Hyemi and Hyorin didn't have classes together and Shinhye basically trusted all of Hyorin's friends, mostly because Hyorin was a good kid and how bad would her friends be?

So there she was explaining to Hyemi what she wanted to do for Hyorin. Hyemi was as excited as a bottle of soda about to explode as she carefully listened to Shinhye's plan. She loved the plan.

And so she told her boyfriend, Jinwoo. Even he liked it. there was no way this plan of Shinhye's was not going to work out.

Hyorin had been missing Shinhye a lot these days. The way she'd make even Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabokov sound so exciting was something only Ms. Kim did.

After the classes ended, she followed her daily routine of going to her dorm and completing the homework that her respected teachers had provided her with.

Out of nowhere, a wild Jinwoo appeared all like an actor who has just been awarded a prestigious role. "Yo, I have an extra pass to this new restaurant downtown. Wanna come? Hyemi is also coming." said Jinwoo. He was trying his best to suppress some kind of thought and it was obvious as he was not a great liar.

"No thanks, I don't wanna third wheel," said Hyorin as she went back to reading the functions of the cerebellum.

"You're not going to third wheel us. Plus, you don't have anything better to do. And, I don't wanna waste this pass." said Jinwoo, stating the obvious facts.

"It'll take much more than that to convince me to come along with you. Also, I am very busy. I don't idle away my day." said Hyorin feeling kinda offended. Like come on, she has better stuff to do than go as a wing woman on her friend's date.

"I beg you. This will be one of the best days of your life. Join us, please." begged Jinwoo with his signature puppy eyes.

"Ok fine, but if I'm coming, it better be worth my time," said Hyorin as she rolled her eyes.

She managed to put on her sweats and a crop top and she was ready.

"You might wanna dress better than that. I mean, it's a luxury restaurant, not just any club," said Jinwoo as he was dressed up in a suit. It's probably a big deal, it's rare that he dresses up in suits.

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