Forest AU

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A forest with mythical creatures such as Kistunes, Nymphs, etc...

Edd-Angel (???), just a guy with wings

Matt-Forest Spirit





Tord-Demon who eats souls.

1/ So, in this AU, Edd lives in a tree and owns a blue and white fox named Tom. (he named it) When Matt and Tord come to visit, Edd introduces them to Tom, saying he adopted him long ago. Matt reveals to Edd that Tom is actually a girl fox and that it's not just a fox, but a Kitsune. 'Tom' transforms into 'his' true Kitsune form and Edd renames 'him' Tamara since the fox spirit was actually a girl.

2/ Edd basically owns Tamara, and you bet that girl is sticking with him forever

3/ Tamara and Tord often fight about their prey.

4/ Tamara is a carnivore.

5/ Matt knows a lot about the forest, so that's why he could tell Tamara was a Kitsune and a female.

6/ Tamara doesn't really talk. She never talks.

7/Tamara chases and hugs her tails. Her tails even show her feelings. They drop when she's sad, and when she laughs, a tail covers her mouth.

8/ Tamara protects Edd's home.

9/ Tamara lets Matt braid her hair and pet her tails, in fact, if she lets you do so, it means she likes and trusts you. She doesn't let Tord do it though.

10/ She's a nine-tailed fox btw.

11/ Tamara actually came from an area in the forest where Kistunes live (Ell, Tori, Matilda). Eventually, the guys will discover this, and Tamara will reunite with her Kitsune pack. Despite this, she will still stay with Edd and the guys.

12/ The other Kistunes can talk, so at this point, the guys suspect Tamara is mute, but she growls and makes noises, so it gets confusing.

13/ Edd cares a lot for his Kitsune pet

14/ Tamara acts like a curious child.

15/ Tamara is very clingy towards Edd.

16/ Because Edd saved her, Tamara sees him as her master and will do anything to serve him, but Edd insists that she doesn't need to serve him because they're friends.

17/ Tamara is immortal. But according to legend, if you cut all that tails of a Kitsune, they'll die.

18/ Tord claims he hates Tamara. That's a lie, he's just a tsundere.

19/ Tamara sleeps on branches.

20/ Will there ever be a day where Tamara is close to death when her tails are cut off for angst? Maybe.

21/ Tamara loves being scratched behind the ears and being patted. Big fan of headpats.

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