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1/ Ell had shorter and thinner hair before, which explained why her ponytail is so short. Now her hair is wavy, thick, and long as HECK, to the point she doesn't bother with tying it up anymore

2/ Ell is a flippin 'Monika' type. She wants to be the best girlfriend she can be, is sweet, caring, and everytime I think of her I will always think of our favourite green-eyed hacker.
Plus she can act a bit obsessive over her lover, but not in a toxic way

3/ She can be clingy and flirty to her lover

4/ Top? Bottom? No sir she's a SWITCH
(Great. Now all I can think of is a Nintendo)

5/ Ell had anorexia, and would starve herself for perfection. Her roommates caught on and now glare at her while she eats, which is weird, but it's for her sake.

6/ She doesn't have anorexia anymore.  During that period, she wore her hoodie and her hair was still short. To know if she's no longer anorexic, just look at her appearance: she's more confident, wears different clothes, has longer hair, and um.. well...how the hell am I supposed to explain this...Ell kinda lost a lot of fat back then, so now she has a more...'sexier' physique. IM SO SORRY INNOCENT EYES HERE'S SOME BLEACH I LITERALLY DONT KNOW HOW ELSE I COULD DESCRIBE IT.

7/ Tori likes to tease Ell by chanting 'MILK MARKET' in the house. What follows is a flustered brunette, a wheezing Norwegian, a disappointed alcoholic and a ginger who has no idea what to do.

8/ Ell wears glasses. But she tried avoiding to wear them when she was ashamed of her body, resulting in her now wearing contacts.

9/ Future Ell is much more sane than Future Edd, just saying.

10/ Ell wants to avoid any subject involving her chest or waist. If that fails, she will sit in a corner and question her life desicions while Tamara punches whoever started talking about it.

11/ Ell has brown eyes, but using her radioactive powers started to turn her eyes green, she used them on a daily basis and now her eyes are permanently green, she kinda feels sad about it.

12/ She hasn't had her powers since well, the same day she got them. Joan gave her a necklace filled with nuclear energy for her birthday. She hasn't taken it off.

13/ Another thing about her powers, in Poweredd, we see Edd heating things up and freezing them, I decided that Ell can do that, but with more practice she can literally freeze things and make the frezzing stop by heating the ice. Sometimes if her emotions get the best of her she can freeze the ground, or when it gets stronger, an entire room.

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