Chapter 23

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"Wake up, asshole!"

My eyes cracked open, unamused and groggy. The first thing I thought of was building tops, the dark night sky behind them. Sitting up in bed, a smile bloomed across my lips at the memories of last night. But a loud knocking forced me out of bed. My sensitive feet met the carpet quickly, and I moved to the door, opening it to find my older brother looking down at me.

"What?" I sighed, wiping the sleep from my eyes. He was wearing some Nike shirt of an impossibly bright yellow color. I'd always wondered about that style; who made it popular? And why? My eyes actually hurt a little to look at it.

"Tomorrow is Aunt Angela's wedding."

"So what?"

"We're going. We have to drive down to South Carolina today. Pack your shit." My eyes widened. I didn't know we were going! I thought we would just send my mother's sister a card and some house warming gift or something. A sense of panic filled me. I had to get all my stuff packed quickly so we could make it on time. The drive down there took nearly 10 hours! Slamming the door, I turned around and tried to breathe. As fast as possible, I dashed around my room, grabbing all the stuff I needed.

What do I put this stuff in? I don't know if I have any suit cases the right size. Beneath my bed, I finally found one. It used to be my fathers. The black thing had wheels on the bottom, which was my favorite kind. So, I began filling it with a few of my shirts, pants, and a suit to wear to Aunt Angela's wedding service and reception. I'd always loved weddings. I had only been to a few, but I just found them so romantic and beautiful, even if they were cliché. I know it's strange for a boy to like weddings, but that's just how I was.

Another knocking on my door came, but this time, it was much more soft. I didn't have time for it, though. I was way too busy.

"Who is it?" I called whilst folding up my underwear and packing a few pairs in. I assumed we'd stay down there for a night or two.

"Alan, honey?" my moms muffled voice came from behind the door.

"Sorry, mom! I forgot it was today! I'm packing right now!" I called behind me, trying to pick out a tie. Maybe red. Yellow's never looked good on me.

"Sweetie," she called softly, "let me in. We need to talk."

Those words made my heart hammer. What did I do? Did she find out about Austin? My palms began to sweat, and I ran through a million lies to tell her as I stood up and ambled to the door. Opening it, I found her idling there beneath the doorframe, looking at me with love and pity. What the hell?

"What is it?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. I felt less fear; she didn't seem mad at all.

"I need to talk to you about the wedding," she said, laying a gentle hand on my shoulder. Confusion filled me, and I shrugged.

"Uh- okay," I replied, waiting anxiously to know what it was. Had something happened? I felt so in the dark. My mother closed the door behind her, and took a seat on my bed, the springs creaking under her weight.

"Take a seat." I did as I was told, sitting down and folding my legs next to her. She rubbed my shoulder, which only made me more confused. At this point, I was beginning to get annoyed.


"I don't think you can come with us to South Carolina, sweetie," she said in her most maternal tone, trying to comfort me by caressing my arm. My stomach dropped, and I only felt ever more perplexed.

"What? Why not? I love weddings," I said defensively. I wanted to go. There was no way they could make me stay home and watch the house while they were gone. We had no pets to feed, save for the stray kitties that came around sometimes. They'd survive without us, though, for a couple days. My mothers eyes were sad, though.

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