Chapter 5

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Cole and Y/N walked to the square, which was thankfully really close to the hotel they were staying at. The sun wasn't out, hidden behind light cloud cover that kept the day bright enough for most people to call a beautiful day. He got her something to eat and they roamed around the area for a while, listening to the music and looking at the sights.

"Hey, get a picture of me over here! If I'm going to live forever, I'm going to have a scrapbook," he said, which Y/N promptly shushed him for. He laughed and posed in front of one of the buildings he deemed picture worthy. He wasn't entirely wrong, it was an old but beautiful building.

There were a few guys sitting on one of the benches in the square, playing live music. He pointed to Cole to come over so he would play drums with them or something. He sat on the bench and started beating on the congas that they had with them.

She smiled as she watched him drum away. She looked around when her eyes caught sight of something and the atmosphere started to sink in. It really was a place of magic, she could feel the magic in the air. The familiarity she found in it soothed her. She looked around for that thing she saw. But what did she see?

Before she could turn back to retrieve Cole, she found what she was looking for again. She could see the magical element of...something in the air.

She followed it, eager to find out where it was coming from. After a little bit of walking, things started getting familiar. There was music in the air everywhere she turned, the streets were filled with laughter and smiles. She could feel the magic in the air that surrounded this place.

Her vision.

She panicked then, moving quicker as she let her body take her to where her vision had taken her. She stumbled forward and saw the same sight she'd seen in her vision. Jasper was kneeled on the ground, holding his head as he yelled. Three witches stood over him with their arms outstretched, putting a spell over him that was causing him this pain.

Y/N exclaimed, "Jasper!" She outstretched her own arm, trying to summon her magic so she could defend Jasper. When nothing happened, she looked back at Jasper. He caught sight of her and struggled, "Y/N..."

Another cry of pain ripped from his throat as the witches' spell intensified. She yelled and stuck her hand out, a surge of magic rocketing toward the witches. They were sent flying back, hitting the wall behind them and falling to the ground in pain.

The spell lifted from Jasper and he slowly stood as he regained his bearings. She rushed over to him eagerly, he was still disoriented from the spell the witches had used on him. She made quick work at surrounding them with a shield.

The witches slowly stood and anger flashed over their features. They rushed over and began chanting. Y/N snarled at them, "Do it and I'll hurt you."

The redheaded witch stopped and a new anger covered their faces. She tapped into her magic and Y/N worked on strengthening her shield. The witch sent a powerful load of magic their way, intent on, if not killing, very badly injuring them.

There was a small explosion around them and dust lifted from the ground, surrounding Y/N and Jasper as the magic hit. When it cleared, they were still crouched on the ground, untouched by the magic.

Y/N slowly lowered her shield and helped Jasper stand as he slowly recovered. The redheaded witch spoke, "Who are you?" Her voice held a Scottish accent that rolled off the tongue, the words sounding more threatening than they were probably supposed to.

Y/N turned on them, "Why are you trying to hurt him?"

She took a step back, surprised by the question. One of the witches behind her spoke, "He's a vampire!"

A Witch Hunt | Jasper Hale x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now