Chapter 3

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That night back at home, Alice had looked through Y/N's entire wardrobe. Before Alice could suggest late minute shopping, Y/N pulled out a simple outfit that Alice seemed acceptable for the party and let her be to get dressed.

She went down to the party with Jasper as they waited for Bella and Edward. After a few last preparations for the party, Alice dragged the lovebirds down to the party. Y/N have her a small smile, one comfortable for Bella.

She had to admit, though, the decorations were nice. The living room was decorated with hundreds of pink candles and rose-filled crystal bowls that she had helped with. Jasper must have sensed Bella's discomfort, for the awkward expression on her face morphed into acceptance of the situation and then to a very small, very calm smile. Y/N could feel him using his gift beside her, and it worked to slightly calm her too.

When Bella got down the steps with Edward, Carlisle and Esme embraced her. Carlisle promptly apologized, "Sorry about all this. We tried to rein Alice in."

"Like that's even possible. Happy birthday, Bella." Esme added. A sudden flash pulled Y/N's attention to Alice holding up a camera. She spoke, "Found it in your bag. Mind?" Cole shrugged and shoulder and gave her a side hug as well, "Happy birthday, Bella."

From beside her, Y/N heard Emmett tell Edward, "Dating an older woman. Hot." They turned to him, giving him a look. Edward sharply elbowed Emmett, who confusedly said 'what?'.

Rosalie stepped up to Bella, handing her a silver box before stepping away again, bored with the situation already. She told her, "It's a necklace, Alice picked it out." Bella gave her an awkward smile and Y/N muttered to Rosalie, "Could you at least pretend to be interested?"

Rosalie sighed and, before she could reply to Bella's smile sarcastically, Y/N told her, "You know what, nevermind." Rosalie was satisfied with her response and continued to pout.

"Show me the love!" Alice exclaimed, aiming the camera at Bella and Edward to get a picture. Y/N looked and saw the bracelet carefully wrapped around Bella's wrist and smiled. A strange warmth spread over her, a sense of joy at the fact that her gift was being worn. She half expected Bella to set it somewhere in her room and forget about it.

Jasper smiled down at her, Y/N hadn't caught it, too busy watching the scene in front of her. After capturing the picture, Alice told her, "For your scrapbook. Now open your presents!" Alice dragged Bella over to a table piled with elaborately wrapped gifts, a huge cake and a tall stack of china plates.

"Alice," Bella started, her eyes wide as she stared at the cake, "Y/N, Cole, and I are the only ones who even eat cake. That thing could feed fifty."

She beamed, "Hope you're hungry." Even Y/N took a glance at Bella to show her that there was no hope in the world that they would be eating that cake anytime soon. Cole shrugged and said, "If you don't eat it, I will." Alice laughed and shoved another present into Bella's hands, telling her, "Here, this one's from Emmett."

Bella, no fan of being the center of attention, opened the gift to find an empty car-radio box. She asked, "Um...thanks?"

Emmett smiled proudly, "Already installed it in your truck."

Edward commented, "Finally, a decent sound system in that piece of-"

Bella interrupted him, "Hey, no hating on the truck. Thank you, Emmett." Scattered, light-hearted laughter filled the room briefly.

"Open mine," Alice told her eagerly, handing her another box. Bella started to open it, but a tiny, sharp inhale stopped her as she said, "Ouch. Paper cut." A single drop of crimson blood dripped onto the white carpet from Bella's finger.

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