Initiation: The Academy Rules

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I walked into the second base and all of the most important agents and a few new comers. I look down at my plain tank top and baggy sweat pants. Well this should be fine. I walk up to agent two that's standing in front of a table. I look down on the table and see a sign up sheet. I skimmed down and I was number two hundred and fifty. I signed my name and showed her my pass. I sat down with the other agents agents and waited until number two showed up.

"I'm number two, if you remember our last encounter then we will be fine. First on the initiation list is doing an obstacle. You will fight among each other to reach the other side and capture a flag. Once you've brung the flag to your base you've gained a point. There are 4 flags and the only weapons allowed are assult rifles."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2015 ⏰

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