iii. Boom Town

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"They have the death penalty," Margret cuts in.

"The family Slitheen was tried in its absence many years ago and found guilty with no chance of appeal. According to the statues of government: the moment I return, I am to be executed. What do make of that, Doctor?" she sneers. "Take me home and you take me to my death!"

"not my problem," he shrugs, grabbing my hand and pulling me from the room but I can't help but feel sorry for Margret because I don't want to take someone to their death.


The five of us escort Margret back to the TARIDS for the rest of the time that she needed charging. The Doctor and I are a bit behind everyone. "Are you going to tell me why you're so worried about 'Bad Wolf'?" I ask the Doctor but he shakes his head.

"No," he admits. "But it's fine," he assures me, squeezing my hand.

"Yeah, that's why I'm worried," I roll my eyes.

The Doctor stops, turning to look at me and places his hands on my shoulders. "Do you trust me?" he asks me and I look at him confused.

"Of course I do," I tell him.

"Then trust me when I say that it's fine," he tells me and I sigh before walking into the TARDIS.


I run my hand over the console to try and calm her down. She's a little cross that we brought a criminal on board of the TARDIS. "It's alright girl, but it'll only be for a while," I whisper and she hums in my head. "Good girl."

"This ship is impossible!" Margret stares around the console room. "It's superb! How do you get the outside around the inside?" she turns to the Doctor.

"Like I'd give you the secret, yeah," the Doctor scoffs.

I lay down on the grating on the floor with my head under the console again. It's relaxing laying here. The lights that go on under the console calms me down. I have no idea how it does but it does.

"I almost feel better about being defeated," Margret continues, cutting me off from my thoughts. "We never stood a chance! This is the technology of the Gods," she smiles and I roll my eyes at her attempt to appeal to the Doctor.

"Don't worship me," the Doctor spits. "I'd make a very bad God; you wouldn't get a day off, for starters," he retorts. "Jack, how're we doing?" he asks.

"This extrapolator's top of the range," Jack answers. "Where'd you get it?"

"Oh, I don't know... some airlock sale...?" Margret trails off.

"Must've been a great big heist. It's stacked with power," Jack smiles.

"But we can use it for fuel?" the Doctor asks.

"It's not compatible," Jack sighs. "But it should knock off about twelve hours."

"We'll be ready to go by the morning," I tell them from where I'm laying down.

"Then we're stuck here overnight," the Doctor sighs.

"I'm in no hurry," Margret smirks.

"We've got a prisoner," Rose cuts in, laughing. "The police box is really a police box!"

"You're not just police, though," Margret retorts. "Since you're taking me to my death, that makes you my executioners; each and every one of you," she sneers.

"Well, you deserve it," Mickey spits.

"You're very quick to say so!" Margret snaps/. "You're very quick to soak your hands in my blood! Which makes you better than me, how, exactly?" she wonders out loud. "Long night ahead..." she trails off as she moves to sit in the jump seat. "Let's see who can look me in the eye," she smirks. I sit up from under the console and look her dead in the eye whilst everyone else looks down or away.

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