Trenzalore Part 2

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Daleks are flying past me and the Doctor whilst Rose is opposite us as we're hanging from some clamps. "Offline," the computer says. I look at Rose as she starts to stretch and she grabs onto the lever. She pulls it up towards the void horizontally. "Online and locked."

"Hold on, Rose. Hold on," I shout to her. A Dalek knocks into Rose and makes her hit into the wall and her handle starts to slip. I look at Rose as she starts to fall towards the void but Pete pops up in the nick of time, grabbing onto Rose, teleporting them away a second later. As soon as they disappear, the wind stops and the void starts to close itself. "Systems closed"

I run over to the wall, starting to bang on it as tears fall down my face. "Come back, Rose! Come back!" tears continuing to stream down my face as I stop banging on the wall.


3rd Person:


screams erupt from Galaxy's mouth and the Doctor runs into her room, followed by Rose. They rush over to her bed as she bolts up in her bed, breathing heavily. "Lexy. Lexy. I'm here. I'm here," Rose tells her.

Galaxy turns her head, looking at Rose before pulling her into a tight hug. "No. Don't leave me. I don't want to lose you. Not ever," she whispers.

"Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere," Rose tells Galaxy and Galaxy lets her go and Galaxy lays back down on her bed. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Galaxy shakes her head, tears flowing down her face as she puts her hands in her face. "I can't. I don't want to talk about it. It's too painful," Galaxy tells them but it's muffled by her hands.

Rose looks up at the Doctor and nods her head at him and the Doctor gets up off of the bed, leaving the bedroom and heading back to where he was before this happened. "Come here," Rose tells Galaxy, bringing her into a hug and laying on the bed. Rose starts stroking on her sister's hair as she tries to calm her down. "Sh. It's alright. It's alright. You're going to fine. Nothing is going to happen to me or you," she whispers to her.

After time, Galaxy slowly calms down and at some point, she ends up falling asleep against Rose. Rose smiles at this but doesn't leave the bed and ends up falling asleep in Galaxy's bed, smiling to herself for she had calmed Galaxy down without the help of her mum.

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