Chapter IV - What's my name?

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After changing my clothes, I went outside. Hesitating for a moment in the porch, but then I have decided to walk in the neightborhood and maybe make new friends here. I felt comfortable with my outfit. I picked my Lee jeans which is so tight, an Abercrombie blue tank top paired with my favorite grey cardigan. I added a vintage owl necklace that I bought on sale. And lastly a pair of Primadonna flat shoes. With just some cheerful smile, I'm good to go.

I walked along the Lakemba St. This place has so many parks. Many children are playing and some people are having picnics. A cute little girl with green eyes, blonde hair nd has rosy cheeks tapped my leg. I bend a little when she smiled,

"Hi, you look so beautiful, are you new here?" She asked confused. And wow did she just called me beautiful? This girl got me.

"Yes, I am. I live just a few blocks from here. . . and thanks. . . ." I paused for a moment not sure what her name is and then she trailed me of...

"Abby. . . my name is Abby." She said while offering me her cute little hands.

"Nice to meet you Abby. . . my name is Cindy."

"You have a cute name. Well, I hope you enjoy this town. . ." She said and waved me a goodbye.

I'm liking it here so far. A few meters away from the park, there's a coffee beanery. I pushed the doo open and a lady greets me.

"Good day Ma'am, what's your order?" She asked while leaning into the cashier area.

I looked at their menus and decided to get one mocha frapp and double fudge mini donut...

"Thanks ma'am. Your order will be served in just a few."

When I sat at the table a guy walked in to my side. I looked at him a little confuse and to my surprise he was smiling at me. He has brown hair that is styled up revealing his eyes that are blue as the sky. He was wearing black jeans and grey shirt. He was simple but he looks so hottie. Oops, did i just checed him out?

"Hey, don't drool in public." He broke the silence probably noticing me staring at him. Is this some kind of a policy here cuz that was what Brian told me when they picked me up at the airport.

"of course not. . . I - I - wasn't drooling over you." I tried to act casual and looked away. Gaddamn it.

I noticed him sit in the other side of the table, i looked back at him confused. Why is this guy sitting with me when there's so many vacant table?

"So uhm, what's up?" he asked. I looked at him raising my eyebrows. Is this guy forreal?

"Hey, don't you have a table? Why are you here?"

"Calm down, you don't have to be mean. . . I'm just trynna be nice here."

"Well then thanks, but if you don't mind, you may leave now."

"Not until you tell me your name." He leaned forward and then smirked at me. Ugh. Why does this guy has to be so cocky.

"And why would I?" I crossed my arms trying to look intimidating.

"Hmm if you don't want me to call names for you, maybe you should tell me then. . not if you prefer the first one." He said with a knowing look.

"Here's your order ma'am. Have a good day." The waitress placed my order at the table. She smiled at me before giving a wink to the annoying guy infront of me.

"So i'm guessing you're new here." He began bombarding me questions again. I looked at him again, confused of how did he guessed it accurately. Probably hearing my thoughts. . . .

"well, I've only seen you here today. . . so yeah, i just thought you might be new here." He explained.

"Is this place that small for you to know who's new and who's not?" i asked offering him some of my donuts.

"No thanks. . . i ordered my own." He shrugged. "And yes, this is a small town. And not to brag or anything but this is my town. Anyone here knows who i am, and for you to be so rude to me. . ." he said while mocking a hurt facade. "I'm pretty sure you're new here."

"Well, you thought right." I said trying to be reserved.

"i am always right. So, are you gonna tell me your name now?"

"Still no." I smirked.


"Not only that I seem 'nobody' here but also you have such a huge ego."

I began to walk out of the beanery leacing him completely dumbfounded.

"I will know you eventually, missy." He shouted at my back but I continued to walk out.

When I noticed that it's starting to get darl, I went home. Maybe it's mean of me to be rude to him, but for now I don't wanna be close to another guy, not until the memories passed me by. . . .

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Hey guys, so. . . r u still keeping in touch? if so, r u diggin' it? tell me what u guys think.. :)

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Thanks so much.. :)


next upload: when this story gets 120 reads. demanding? hmm, sorry. but maybe i'll update next week, regardless if i reached the number that i'm expecting. but hopefully.. :)

Have a Good Day er'body..


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