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Rated mature for harsh themes.

Please be advised.


I SAT THERE in shock. He spoke perfect English, like he had grown up around it. I couldn't detect an accent anywhere. His eyes were purple just like Bluehair, but were a shade darker.

Redhead was still holding me up off the floor and I tried moving my head to look at him but the back of my head was shoved against his chest. Suddenly realizing how revealing my clothes had been, I felt my face go warm.

I glanced down to see that someone had changed my clothes. I felt a whoosh of air escape my lungs and relief instantly filled me. I was still slightly embarrassed because I didn't know if one of them had changed them or if someone else had.

I was now wearing a pair of light, grey sweats matched with a grey, long sleeve. I was wearing socks too. I wiggled my toes and giggled lightly, it felt like forever since I'd worn socks.

Or laughed.

Or smiled.

The smile slipped from my face, creating a frown instead. Redhead shifted behind me and I cringed as he lifted my body like I weighed nothing. Maybe that's because I did weigh nothing.

It had been so long since I ate and my body was starting to tell me. My stomach growled heavily, creating a wrenching feeling in my gut, making me wince at the force of it.

All three of them snapped their heads in my direction, eyeing me carefully. "Tell me Earthian," Greenhair spoke first. "How long had you been on that slave trader?"

I gulped, "S-slave trader?" My voice was hoarse from misuse, although the water had helped some.

Greenhair nodded, "Yes, the ship you were being held on trafficks slaves across the galaxy. We have been trying to prove Commander Yero was involved for some time. You could help us with that..."

He stared at me expectantly, waiting.

It took me a moment to realize he wanted to know my name. I thought back, trying to remember. I thought back to when Yero had asked me this same question. About how I couldn't remember my own name.

I imagined myself thinking so hard steam flowed from my ears. I giggled slightly and then I froze. "Did you just say across the galaxy?!"

Greenhair studied me for a second before nodding, "Yes."

A red haze covered my vision and I blew up. "Seriously?! That idiot took me from my home, planted me on a ship to be sold as a slave and then beat me half to death!

"If I get my hands on him, I'm going to wring his damn neck!" All three of them stared at me, blinking slowly. Then, Greenhair and Bluehair cracked wide grins.

"What is everyone smiling about?! This isn't a smiling matter! I want to go home dammit!" I was breathing heavily and hadn't realized I was standing until after my rant.

I hated the idea of never being able to see my home again, even if it was a shitty one room apartment. It was still home.

Sensing my distress, Bluehead fumbled with his hands. He said something to Greenhead and he shook his head.

"I'm sorry about you being taken from you home, but we are unable to take you back."

More red filled my vision and I took a step towards him. Even though he stood two feet taller than me, I was going to pummel him. "And why not?" I placed my hands on my hips, glaring up at his face.

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