
35 2 4

Rated mature for harsh themes.

Please be advised.


I WASN'T SURE how many turns I had made, or where I was, but there was a lot of noise. I turned a corner and instantly regretted it.

There were bodies covering the floor, some in several pieces. I recognized one instantly; it was the man who had punched me before. His throat had been slit and blood covered his chest and the floor around him.

I walked around him carefully, stepping over the puddles of blood. Standing next to him, I felt all my rage surface. Glaring down at his body, I started kicking him as hard as I could.

All of the noises around me vanished and it was just us.

At one point, I heard something crack but I didn't stop.

I didn't stop until I was gasping for air and felt light headed. I stopped kicking him and bent over to catch my breath. All the noises returned and I recognized them as fighting. I gave him one last good kick before looking around the hall.

There were more bodies, none I recognized. Many of them were of different skin colors and body types. A few of them had four arms and I saw one with two heads.

All of them were covered in blood and laid lifeless, eyes full of an emptiness. I knew I should feel something for them, but I stopped feeling when these people took me from my home.

I had become heartless sitting in that cold, metal room, waiting for the day I would die. I had been taking my trash out when these men came from behind and grabbed me.

They had ripped the bag from my hands and everything spilled onto the ground. One of them said something to the other before I felt blinding pain in the head.

I woke up in the metal room wearing the shorts and a tank top.

There was a noise behind me and I whirled around, swinging my fist in front of me. My hand connected with something hard and I looked up to see Yero's face.

It was covered in blood, some of it dripping from his chin and down his neck.

He glared down at me, sword drawn. I stared up at him in fear, realizing I was doomed. He ripped my fist from his chest and twirled me around, grabbing my other hand.

He held them both behind me and growled, "Walk." He pushed me forward and my knees almost buckled from the force. I walked down the hall, maneuvering around the bodies littering the floor.

Yero pulled on my hands, "Stop." He turned me towards a door and punched in some numbers on a keypad. The door opened with a hiss and he ushered me through.

The room was similar to the one I was in when I woke up and my heart rate spiked. My breath quickened and I struggled against his hold. "Stop moving or I'll stick my sword through you, Earthian."

I froze, my heart beating out of my chest.

I wasn't about to be put back in another cold, lifeless room. Even with the threat of a sword being shoved through my rib cage, I still tried to wiggle out of Yero's grip.

He growled and grabbed my hair, pulling my head back. I ground my teeth to keep from whimpering. I didn't feel the sharp sword tip at my back anymore and Yero shoved my forward again.

I had no choice but to comply. He had such a tight grip on my hair, I could feel it pull at the skin on my temples. "Stop moving, you're making this harder than it is."

I paused, looking around the room frantically. I had to find another way out. There had to be a way off this.. thing.

He pulled me towards a bench, where he forced me to sit.

He shoved me down right on the edge, making me almost slide off. He gave me a glare before turning away. I fixed my shirt so I was covered and tried to keep warm.

It was freezing in every part of this place and I'm pretty sure I'm going to die of exposure before anything. I hadn't eaten in at least four days and sleep was as rare as they come.

Insomnia had become my best friend.

I watched as Yero looked at objects on a silver table, seeming to assess them. He glanced back at me and when he saw I was watching, he scowled. "I'm going to enjoy this more than I should."

I trembled as I realized what was in his hand. Yero was holding a silver blade. It looked more like a scalpel but nonetheless frightening. He stepped towards me and I jumped off the bench, darting away.

"Don't do anything to make me enjoy this even more, Earthian." His voice had diminished to a low growl and he sounded more animal than anything. He stepped forward again and I moved farther away.

My eyes darted around the room, looking for an exit. I could see the light edges of the door we had come in through and darted there. I didn't make it very far before Yero grabbed my arms, spinning me to look at him.

His gold eyes now held a dark look that shook me to the core. "You're going to regret that. Now I'm going to show you why you should always listen, Earthian."

Yero's eyes darted around my face and finally settled on my neck. He smirked and before I could register what he was doing, he slid the knife across my throat.

He didn't press very hard, but I felt the sting of the cut. I gasped in shock and hissed at the pain. I could feel the blood running down my chest and felt my body go ever colder than it was.

If I didn't get away from him, he was going to let me bleed out on the floor. Maybe he would save me so he could torture me some more, I wasn't sure.

He was still holding my arm in one hand and the knife in the other, smirking down at me. I let my free hand come up to hold the wound, but he slapped it away.

He twirled me away from him and I felt him press the knife into my shoulder blades. I let out a choked scream when he kept pushing it inside my shoulder.

Blinding pain flowed through my body as he pulled the blade out. More blood flowed out of the wound and I gasped for breath. I knew he was nowhere near done, but I couldn't get out of his grasp.

I felt the knife enter my other shoulder blade and I let out a sharp yell, listening to Yero's chuckle behind me. "Oh, don't worry, little Earthian, I'm not going to kill you. Not yet."

The back of my shirt was sticking to me and I felt blood run down my legs. My legs shook while I struggled to stay standing. My body swayed and Yero grabbed my shoulder, holding me up.

He pressed his thumb into the cut and I let out a scream. Black dots covered my vision and I was sure I would pass out. I choked as I tried to breathe, but the cut on my neck wasn't letting me take deep breaths.

He turned me around again and I heard his breath hitch. "You look better this way. I might just keep you like this," he pressed the knife into my chest, right above my heart.

I clenched my fists at my sides, gritting my teeth. I tried not to scream, I really did; but when he shoved the knife into my chest completely, I couldn't hold it back.

I let loose a bloodcurdling scream, deafening myself in the process. A wide grin covered Yero's face and I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. He was enjoying this, just like he said he would.


Dun Dun Dunnnn

Man, kind of a stressful chapter to write ngl

Lemme know your thoughts on what's next or yell at me, something.

Please, vote, comment, scream, cry, masturbate, idk......

Stay freaky ;)

-Z. B. Row

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