37. Whorrible

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If the sweetness is regret

Then sprinkle more on my desert

I demand to gorge myself

Until I am sick on grief

—Biskwyn Aburneat

The giant goat has blue eyes and round pupils instead of the rectangular ones of its lesser kin. Hildr gives sword-length horns a wide birth. Chin hair from a century of winters, it is a gruff male. The fence containing him is made for complacent horses, not living siege engines smart enough to understand casual conversation. She bows to the beast that may be closer to human than goat.

A woman at the nearby cafe snickers. As Hildr turns to her, the man she is leashed to slaps her across the face. With a body as voluptuous as the wenches of Lotus Hollow's Alleyway bar and scant dress, she is a fancy whore or a poor-mannered courtesan.

Edgewick, the Pimplord of Scarlet Keep, wags his finger at the now teary-eyed woman. "Knockers is worth ten of you. Go follow our guest's example and honor my goat."

This time the other women leashed to Edgewick snicker, and Hildr crosses her arms as the chastised woman copies her bow.

Hildr claps. "I honor the length of your beard, great Knockers. Forgive this ignorant child."

The gruff snorts and dips his horns.

Hildr walks to Edgewick. Velvet jacket open to a bare chest, he leans back in his wicker chair with his legs spread. A bulge stretches his skin-tight trousers at his crotch, and he winks. She crosses her arms. This gutter-pimp invites a snap-kick to his groin.

"Pam is in the pit." He points at the arena across the street. "I was about to wake her when I saw you enter my temple. Did you not notice me over here?"

"I want Pam's brothers to come along to the library. They can help if ... when Pam gives birth."

"Useless brutes. Do you know what those two orcs cost me in food?" He slaps a plump girl's thigh. "Twice these four whores combined."

Hildr scratches under her straw hat. "So they can come?"

Edgewick intertwines his fingers. "When their Obsidian master got trapped, I took Pam in because she was a draw for circus wrestling and, of course, for her pending babies."

"Makes sense."

"Ricrow and Totti, I accepted to be male whores, not greased up honor guards." He shrugs. "It was useless though. They couldn't find their way around a cock or finger a lady in any way worth a copper."

"I'll take them along with Pam then." Hildr turns away.

"Hold on, Hildr of Lute and Desire."

She turns back and follows his finger to her wanted poster on the cafe wall next to their table. Her face and name are clear, but the reward amount and details are blurred. Minark had been truthful about sabotaging them.

"Are you turning me in?"

He chuckles. "It is reassuring seeing the Pales desperate for you. I wondered if your deal for my protection was a trick, but those righteous bastards have been marching around this city, looking for you with an addict's hunger."

Hildr hugs her plain blouse. "If I help you become mayor, will you use the city guard to kick them out?"

"I will have to recuse myself from my Scarlet duties and be careful about perceived bias against other crusades." He slaps his knee. "I'll need someone capable to manage our interests. You have brothel and arena experience. If you take the Scarlet oath, I could appoint you."

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